Book Signing

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Gulf had finally decided to reveal his face to his readers. The sole reason for being anonymous had to with his lack of confidence and fear of rejection. Now that he wasn't afraid to deal with outside world anymore he thought he should give this a try. The publishing house has arranged the book signing event which was received with lots of enthusiasm. Mew was especially proud of his boy breaking out of his shell. He was going to attend the event along with Sky and their friends. It was being held at Phoenix Mall. Everything was already set and the event was scheduled to start at 10am. Many people had already gathered outside waiting for the event to officially begin.

Gulf could feel his breath picking up pace and his palm getting sweaty. Now that he was about to meet so many people, he thought he wasn't ready for this. He was almost on the verge of bolting out of the room when Mew walked in and quickly honed on the panicked expression on his husband's face.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good."

"Gulf, what happened?"

"I don't think I can do this." Gulf said in panicked voice

"Gulf, calm down. Take a deep breath. It's alright."

"I can't face so many people. What if they are disappointed. They must've been expecting someone handsome or-"

"Bub, you're nothing short of perfect, looks and personality wise."

"You're biased."

"Anyone who disagrees with me is a fool. You're a writer and you're exceptional at that. Your looks have got nothing to do with your books and if there's anyone who's going to judge your book because of that then they are stupid. You're perfect in your own way and you don't need other people's validation for that."

"I feel a little better. You'll be there with me?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Mew smiled.

Gulf mustered courage and addressed his fans. People were thrilled to finally meet the face behind their favorite book. Event started with little interview and proceeded to book signing. Akk, Ayan, Ohm, Nanon, Vegas and Pete had come to support him. After the event, Mew and Gulf decided to hit the bar to celebrate. Sky had left with Vegas and would be staying over at his place. Gulf gulped down few drinks and was already drunk.

"Should we leave now?" Mew asked him.

"Nope. Bub is going to party."

"You've already drunk too much." Mew signalled to the almost empty bottle on their table.

Gulf narrowed his eyes, "You're telling bub what to do?"

"No, but you're wasted."

Gulf gasped in horror, "I'm waste?"

"No bun, I meant you drank too much."

"Now I'm too much?" Gulf got teary eyed.

"You clearly aren't thinking straight."

"You want me to be straight? Why?"

"Gulf, let's go home."

Gulf gasped dramatically, "Oh my god, this guy is trying to drag me to his house. You don't have good intentions, sir."

Mew debated whether to laugh at his adorableness or sigh in exasperation, "Bub, listen to me-"

"You're threatening me now?"

"Obviously not. Should I carry you out of here?"

Gulf narrowed his eyes and blinked few times to make sure there weren't 3 Mew's in front of him, "That's kidnapping. Oh my God, there are three of you."


"Are you triplet?"


"Don't your lovers get confused since you three look same?"

"I wouldn't know since there's only one of me."

"Aww, you're being rude to your brothers right there. They would feel sad if you deny their existence like that."

"Bub, I'm sure they would understand. Now come with me."

"Are you claiming me?"

"I don't think I need to."

Gulf gasped, "You don't need me."

A guy at the adjacent table had seen the interaction between them and saw that as an opportunity to approach them.

"Excuse me, it seems like you're trying to take advantage of this cutie here." He said gesturing to Gulf.

Mew narrowed his eyes, "He's my husband so you should leave."

Gulf's eyes widened, "Husband? You're my husband?" He turned to the stranger, "This hot guy is my husband?"

"It doesn't seem like that." The man retorted.

"He's just drunk. He's My husband. I'll suggest you back off." Mew said through gritted teeth.

The man looked at Gulf and said, "Would you like to go with me? I can show a good time."

"Good time? How?"

I could make you feel real pleasure." The man smirked.

Gulf widened his eyes in wonder, "Bub loves pleasure."

The man moved to grab Gulf's hand and that was limit of Mew's patience. He swiftly pushed away the stranger and picked up Gulf bridal style and walked out of the pub to their car.

"Are you kidnapping me?"


"I wouldn't mind that."

Mew looked at him in surprise, "Why?"

"You're handsome."

"You'll let a handsome guy kidnap you?"

"Why not? If I'm getting kidnapped at least the kidnapper should be handsome otherwise it's unfair."

"I..... You're really drunk. We'll talk about this when you're sober."

"So where are taking bub? To have your naughty way with me?"


"Are you going to punish bub? Was bub naughty today?"

"Yes, you were."

"So is Daddy going to spank me?" Gulf looked at him with his innocent bambi eyes.

Mew was proud of not crashing their car right then. "Bun, don't talk like that."

"Why? Is daddy getting hot?"

"Gulf, you-"

Gulf ran his hand through Mew's hair and tugged at the end making Mew let out a groan, "Do you want to take me right now right here?"

"Oh god, Gulf, I swear if you don't stop provoking me-"

"Then? Wha will you do?"

"You'll find out soon."

"Mewie junior is kinda loving all this, right?" Gulf trailed his eyes down to the tight pants Mew was wearing.


"I won't mind choking on him."

"You're really testing my patience."

"So you're gonna wreck me tonight?"

"Maybe you'll get more than you bargained for."

"You've no idea about things going through my head right now. I bet they are far filthier than what you've in mind."

"Hold tight. I'm going to speed up."

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