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Mew was sitting in the cafe waiting for his guest to arrive. He had purposely choosen this cafe since it was on the outskirts of the city and wasn't populated much which was what he needed right now. The lady walked into the cafe and swiftly scanned the area for reporters or camera. Once satisfied she took the seat across Mew and removed the mask covering her face.

"Why did you call me here?" She asked.

"Mrs.Stanbury, what's the hurry? We have time to discuss it all in detail." Mew addressed Liam's wife, Clarissa.

"Mew, I'm in mood for your jokes. Get to the point."

"It's about your husband."

"What about him?"

"Keep a tight leash on him else you won't like the consequences." He threatened.

"Mew, how dare you talk like that to me?"

"If you won't control him, you'll realize just how daring I can be. He's interested in My husband."

"That can't be true. Liam's not gay."

"I don't care what his sexual orientation is but he has been harassing Gulf for quite sometime with indecent proposals and I've had enough of it."

"I don't believe you. Did you call me here just to spout lies-"

Mew turned on the recording of Gulf and Liam's conversation when he had come to their house. Fortunately Gulf had recorded it in his phone. Clarissa was shocked to hear the disgusting stuff Liam had said to Gulf. She couldn't believe her husband was ready to cheat on her. Though theirs had been an arranged marriage yet she had been faithful to him all the time yet here he was doing such stuff behind her back.

"Maybe your husband seduced-"

"Don't finish that statement if you don't want me to slap you."

"Mew Suppasit, how dare you? Who the hell do you think you are? You aren't a billionaire anymore." She said angrily.

"I very well know who I am. If your husband steps anywhere near Gulf, I'll kill him. To me, Gulf is the only important person, his life is the only life that matters. There isn't a person in this world I won't kill for him and there isn't a line I won't cross."

Clarissa was a bit frightened seeing the look in Mew's eyes. He wasn't the guy she knew anymore. He had changed so much.


"Look Clarissa I have nothing against you but I won't sit around and let a scum like Liam mess with my Gulf. I'll do whatever it takes to stop him."

"I still I don't believe you completely."

"Do you think I'll let it go just because we dated in past?" Mew asked rudely.

"What has that got to do with anything?"

"We spent some steamy nights together, right? It wouldn't do you any good if there was something like a recording of that, right?"

She blanched, "What do you mean?"

"You know, I was into photographing and recording everything in college so I have something else recorded as well." He smirked.

"Mew, you're lying. I don't believe you."

"Then don't. You can see for yourself when the recording and pics go viral."

"Are you really this cheap?" She asked in disgust.

"I came be if I've to be. As long as Liam backs off, I'll stay quiet."

"I didn't know you were this sort of person."

"I don't care what you thought of me but make sure your husband stays in his place else I'll make sure to ruin you both completely."

Clarissa got up in anger and left. Mew walked out of the cafe and a man came to meet him.

"Did you get all the photos?" Mew asked.

"Yes, I clicked lots of pics of you both."


Mew reached home and sent the pics of him and Clarissa in the cafe to Liam and just few minutes later Liam called him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Liam asked.

"Whatever it seems like. Your wife is quite pretty."

"Are you hitting on her?"

"Hitting on her? Do I even need to? She already seems enamored with me."

"Mew, you don't know who you're messing with."

"I think you should think about that. What if she left you? Where would that leave you? You're nothing without her power and wealth."

"She would never leave me."

"Are you sure? I don't think so. Why don't you first take care of your marriage before you try to mess with mine." Mew said stonily and disconnected the call.

He had laid down the groundwork for his plan, now all he has to do is wait and watch. He was sure things would go according to the plan, he desperately wished they would because he had no other option if things didn't work out. He saw Gulf talking with Vegas and smiling. Gulf looked happy and carefree just the way Mew wanted him to be always he was going to try his best so that nothing would make his baby worry. He hadn't told Gulf about his plan because he didn't want to burden him. Vegas already knew about his plan and was ready to help him.

Vegas and Mew had decided to start their own company and were working on the business plan for past few weeks. They were sure they could get the sponsorship for the product that they were thinking of launching amd things looked pretty good for their startup and Vegas had got few more people on board with the idea. Mew had taken out a loan to support the startup and get Gulf the treatment he needed. He decided that he could not wait any longer else things may get words for Gulf.

Psychiatric treatment was surely expensive but they could manage since it was really necessary. Of course Gulf refused at first but Mew was adamant about this. Mew could already see lots of positive changes in Gulf and he was really glad he could help his baby. He had vowed to protect his bub at all cost and he was going to make sure nothing hurt him again.

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