Stained With Lies

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Tine sat in his room with curtains drawn shut and lights off making the entire room drown in darkness, much like his own life at the moment. He replayed the event that had transpired last night and for a second he had hoped it was all just a nightmare, something that would disappear as soon as he would open his eyes. The look of panic and concern in Mew's eyes for someone other than him, for someone he had never known existed, pained him like nothing else ever had.

Betrayal wasn't something new to him. He had gone through it before by the hands of his best friend and at that time he had resolved to never be made a fool again. No one would ever get trample on his trust again, he would never give that chance to anyone again. How false his own promise had been. How utterly stupid he looked right now, a mere fool. All the reasons he had given himself for not dating Mew came back to him, he refrained from trusting Mew in the beginning and had he continued to do so he wouldn't be in this predicament.

Did Mew get bored of him like he had feared? Or was he not good enough anymore? Or as he had anticipated, he wasn't wealthy enough to be Mew's husband? That was something he had been scared of since the beginning but still he ignored the rational part of him and decided to go with his heart. Marriage hadn't been on his agenda in near future and yet his boyfriend was married to someone else. Worst of it all was that Mew had kept it a secret, he had deceived Tine.

The doorbell rang once, twice, thrice and so on, but Tine didn't get up for he knew who was at the door. After some time the front door opened since Mew knew the passcode and he called Tine's name few time then ventured into the bedroom. He switched on the lights and immediately walked towards the bed, falling on his knees.

"Tine, I'm sorry."

"....... "


"Don't call me that."

"Tine, I'm really sorry."

"For what?"

"For not telling you everything."

"So you aren't sorry for getting married while you had a boyfriend?"

"I am, babe. But I had no other option."

Tine let out a humorless chuckle, "Yeah, right."

"It's true, Tine. I didn't want to get married."

"Then why did you?"

"My parents threatened me. They would have made sure you were expelled from your college if I didn't agree to this marriage." Mew explained.

Tine was stunned, "So you got married?"

"Yes, what else could have I done?"

"You should have told me."

"And if I had then what? You know how my parents are. You know they could have destroyed your career so easily. I couldn't let that happen. I knew how hard you had worked to get into that college."

"So what? We could have worked out something."

"Like what? What could have we done? I refused at first. I told them I wanted to marry you but they wouldn't listen to me."

"So you just got married?"

Mew was exasperated, "What should have I done then? Tell me."

Tine snapped at him, "Are you getting angry at me? Is this my fault?"


"This is your fault. Let's say I understand for a minute that you had no choice but to get married but why didn't you tell me?"

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