A Step Closer To Death

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Mew met with the opposition party and shared the intel he had got regarding Liam. The opposition party was quite glad to get incriminating evidences against Liam and were ready to use it to win the election. Vegas had got a friend who was journalist and they used this for their plan. Everything was set up for the final climax and Mew was sure this would end it all. Liam was giving his speech for his candidacy and lots of his supporters were gathered for that. At that very moment a news report was covered by tv station regarding his misdemeanor.

News was spreading like fire about him cheating on his wife. After a thorough investigation, Mew had realized that this wasn't the first time Liam was hitting on someone other than his wife. There were lots of instances of him going to hostess bars. That employee Mew had talked to revealed quite a lot of significant information that was enough to get the prosecution moving like his gambling habits and illegal funding of his campaign.

Clarissa was absolutely livid at this revelation. It was painting her and her company in bad light so she immediately filed for the divorce and claimed to have cut all ties with Liam. This was more than enough to sent Liam over the edge. He knew who had screwed him over. It was all Mew and Gulf's fault. He wasn't going to be the only one falling. He was going to male sure they paid dearly for all this.

Gulf was working on his book when the light went out. He started looking for the torch when he felt someone grab him roughly. He tried to fight against the intruder but a hanky was pushed over his nose and soon he lost consciousness. When he came to his senses he was in an unfamiliar place, tied to a chair with a cloth tied over his over. His head was throbbing a lot and he felt dizzy. The room was completely barren save for a box at a distance.

Liam entered the room and smiled widely, "Hi Gulf, you're finally awake."

Gulf wanted to scream at him but couldn't due to the cloth obstructing his voice. Liam untied the cloth and Gulf shouted, "Why am I here?"

"Well, it's all your Mew's fault. He tried to play a game with me and that resulted in this situation."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"How many times I've told you Gulf don't curse. It doesn't suit that pretty little mouth of yours."

"F*** off."

Liam stepped forward and smacked him across his face. Gulf wasn't expecting that. He could feel his cheek stinging in pain and knew a bruise was already forming.

"Don't defy me again. I'll do worse than that. Your husband ruined my campaign. Because of him I've to run away."

"It's all your fault for messing with us."

"Messing? I haven't messed with you yet, Gulf. I'll have to punish you so that Mew can learn a lesson. I was thinking of killing him but it won't be that much fun. But if I torture you and send those videos to your dear husband, I'm sure he'll die every second. He'll blame himself, wouldn't he?"

"Stay away from Mew."

"It's not the time to be worrying about others. You should worry about yourself because you are going to be in lot of pain soon." He said wickedly.

"I'm not scared of you."

"Babe, you should be because I can be quite cruel to people who defy me."

"You're just a pathetic excuse of human."

"It looks like you don't realize the predicament you're in." Liam punched him in stomach making Gulf gasp in pain.

"This is just starting, it's going to get really painful from now onwards."

Mew was going out of his mind. He couldn't find Gulf anywhere. He was pretty sure Liam had something to do with this. He had asked police for help but they couldn't file a missing report before 24 hours and he had no proof that Liam had kidnapped Gulf. He had been searching everywhere with Vegas but found nothing. He had even called Clarissa but she knew nothing about this. He had gone to Liam's mansion but there was no one. Obviously he wouldn't take Gulf to his house.

He was running around frantically when he received a picture from unknown number. It was Gulf's pic. His face was bruised and there was a cut on lips. Mew almost threw the phone when he got a call from that number.

"Where's Gulf?"

"Impatient, are we?" Liam chuckled.

"I'll kill you Liam if you touch Gulf again."

"I'm going to do more than just touching."

"You filthy scum, where the hell are you?" Mew screamed.

"Calm down. No need to call names. I'm giving you an adress come there. I don't have to tell you to not call police, right? I've lost everything so I can go to any extent. If you don't want to pick up the pieces of your husband, come alone." And the call was disconnected.

Mew quickly got into his car and drove to the given address. He could feel his heart beating frantically in his chest. Gulf's bruised face was the only thing in his mind. He has to save his baby at all cost. He should have known Liam would retaliate still he didn't think of protecting Gulf. How could he be so stupid? Had he been by Gulf's side, he would be safe right now. It was an abandoned building. Mew rushed inside but couldn't find anyone. He called that number again.

"Where are you?"

"Hmmmn. I had a change of heart. I'll just send you video of Gulf's death. Would that be okay?"

"Don't you dare hurt him. I'm the one who ruined you so you should be fighting with me. Gulf has nothing to do with this."

"That's not true. It all started because of him. If only he wasn't so alluring, I wouldn't have gone crazy over him. If he had just agreed to my terms, we all would be happy right now."

"Shut up, you sicko."

"Are you sure you want to talk like that to me?"

"Just let him go. Come and face me. Don't be a coward."

"Why should I? This seems more fun. I bet you're going crazy right now. I want to play for a while with Gulf before killing him. Do you mind?"

"Do you think you'll get away with this? Police is already after you."

"That's my point, Mew. I'm going down anyway so what's one more charge against me?"

"LET HIM GO." Mew screamed.

"Not in this lifetime. If he won't live with me then he'll die for me. I'll keep sending you updates so you can now how your husband is dying."

"Wait, take me instead."


"Instead of Gulf, kill me. I'm the one who destroyed your campaign so kill me. Let Gulf go." Mew reasoned.

"Hmmm. I must say that's tempting. Okay fine, I want to see the look on your face when you watch your husband screaming in pain. I'm sending you the location. Come soon or I'll finish it before you get here."

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