Starved of Love

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"Open the damn door, Gulf." Mew shouted banging on the door of Gulf's room.


"We aren't done talking yet."

"I'm done."

Mew yelled, "Gulf, stop being childish."

"You're the one who's being-"

"Come out right now and tell me who those men are." He demanded.

"What men?"

"Don't act innocent right now. You know what I'm talking about."

"I freaking don't." Gulf yelled in frustation.

"I saw those messages on your phone yesterday."

"What messages? I didn't ge-" Gulf stopped in mid sentence when he realized what Mew was talking about.

"Come out."

Gulf opened the door and came out looking scared. Mew looked absolutely livid right now and now that Gulf knew why he was angey with him in the first place, he couldn't help but blame himself. He had been fighting back because he thought Mew was being unreasonable but it all made sense now. It was his mistake and instead of apologizing he had been fighting with Mew.

"I'm sorry." Gulf mumbled.

"Huh? What are you apologizing for? I need answers." Mew said angrily.

"I'm really sorry."

"Are you actually having affair with all those men?" Mew asked horrified.

"NO. I'm not having affair with anyone." He defended himself immediately.

"Then what was all that? "

"It's just- um..... It's not what you think. I have a sort of a job."

Mew raised an eyebrow, "What job?"

Gulf gulped nervously, "There's an adult site-"

"You don't do what I'm thinking, right? You aren't a cam boy, right?"

Gulf's eyes widened, "No, not that. I write."

Mew was confused, "What do you write?"

"Adult fiction."

"Adult fiction?"


"You mean porn."

Gulf pouted, "Adult fiction sounds better."

"What does those messages have to do with this?"

"I write gay fiction so many men comment on my story. Those notifications were from the app I use to write. People usually leave lots of comments and many of them message me on the app to get my attention. I don't reply to those messages because most of the time they are something lewd." Gulf took out his phone and opened the app showing it to Mew.

Mew went through messages and realized Gulf hadn't replied to any of them even once. "Why do you write these?"

"To get money. Lots of people pay to read my story so I get paid a lot."

"But why would you do this? You can ask me for money if you need it."

Gulf pouted at that, "I don't want to. It's embarrassing. It's your money-"

"You're my husband, Gulf. You have right on every penny I earn. I don't mind spending money on you."

"Still I wanted to earn my own money and since I have talent for absolutely nothing, this seemed like an easy way."

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