Guilty Conscience

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Mew and Gulf had a really hard time for next few months. They had to leave the house and their parents disowned them. Gulf's illness was made public courtesy to Liam and it spurred Mew's parents to aggressively demand for divorce to which Mew vehemently declined. His parents kicked him out of the company in hope of knocking some sense into his head. They were sure he'll come running back to them when he'll realize how hard it is to survive on his own.

But Mew wasn't weak willed or a spoilt brat. He knew what his decision was going to entail and he was ready to stand by it. He rented out a basement room for both of them and they moved in there with meagre belongings. The place was small, damp and difficult to adjust to but they were okay with it. Mew had been looking for job for quite some time but it wasn't that easy. He had enough qualification and experience for any company to hire him but no one wanted to go against his father or Liam since both if them had made it almost impossible for Mew to work in this field.

When Vegas heard about their predicament he offered them to stay with him but they politely refused. Vegas himself shared the apartment with 2 more people and it wouldn't be right if they barged in like that. Vegas got Mew job as intern in the company he was working. He felt sorry for nit being able to help them in any way. He knew Mew was overqualified for the job by large scale.

"Mewie, eat something." Gulf said while trying to feed Mew.

"I'll eat later."

"You've been overworking yourself."

Gulf was really worried about Mew. He was juggling two jobs. He worked as intern in morning and in evening he taught coaching classes. It was definitely taking a roll on him and Gulf felt guilty for not being much of a help. He still wrote fiction but it didn't pay enough to afford rent and food along with other necessities. If only he could go out and work, that would help them financially a lot. He had applied to many places but couldn't pass the interview. He always clamped shut infront of people. New wanted to get the psychiatric treatment for Gulf but they couldn't afford that still Mew insisted to get the treatment but Gulf refused. He didn't want to be more if a burden.

"I'll eat bub. Just let me finish this. You should eat first."

"I'll eat with you."

"It may take a while. You shouldn't be hungry. Eat something."

Gulf pouted, "No, bub will eat with you."

Mew conceded, "Okay okay, let's eat."

Next morning after Mew left for the work someone knocked at the door. Gulf opened it to find Liam standing there. He tried to close but wasn't fast enough. Liak pushed the door and made his way inside.

"You're living in a dumpster?" He crinkled his nose in disgust.

"Why are you here?"

"To see you."

"Get out."

"Why are you being so stubborn? If you were mins you wouldn't have to live here."

"I'm fine with living here. Does your wife know what sort of scumbag you are?"

"She's a sweet little thing. She wouldn't mind me indulging a little."

"You're sick." Gulf retorted.

"All you have to do is say yes and your life would be a lot easier."

"Why are you doing this to us?"

"Because you caught my fancy. I can't get you out of my mind. I would like to have a taste."

Gulf raised his hand to slap Liam but he caught his hand.

Gulf seethed with rage, "Let go."

"Not so soon. You're making Mew suffer as well."


"If not for you, Mew would be made president of the company next month but you ruined it all for him."


"Gulf, you shouldn't be so selfish. His parents disowned him because he wouldn't divorce you. Had he done just that, he wouldn't be working like a dog right now."

Gulf tried to sound confident, "We'll manage."

"Easy for you to say. All you do is sit at home while he us slaving out there. Don't you've a conscience?" Liam pushed more knowing he was getting to Gulf.

"You've no right to say that. You're messing with our lives.

"I'm trying to help you. Just spend one night with me on my terms and you'll have everything back. You both won't have to struggle anymore. I'll make sure you're living in luxury again."

"Never. I am not some cheap-"

"But you are Gulf. Your parents practically sold you off to Mew and they were ready to do it again. You mean nothing to anyone. Your own parents don't consider you of any value, do you think others would care?"

"Mew does and that's all that matters."

"Does he? I'm not sure. Is it love or just pity? He's more like a babysitter than a husband, right?" Liam mocked him.

"You know nothing about our relationship so keep your filthy mouth shut. Get out of my house."

"I know enough. Mew cheated on you with his boyfriend."

"That's all in past."

Liam smirked, "Really? What makes you so sure he isn't doing it again? He's only with you because of sympathy. Pity is all you're good for. Why would someone like Mew settle for you? What do you even have to offer him? You're mentally ill, even your looks can't make up for that."

"If I'm so bad then why are you here?"

"You are good enough for a night or two."

"All your cheap tricks won't work on me."

"I am showing you reality. It's all going to get worse from here on. Just accept the deal and it'll be all fine."


"You're destroying Mew's life but you're too self centered to see that. How long can you both survive in this dumpster? How long can you survive on that meagre salary? Why you're you punishing your husband for your own shortcomings? He wouldn't have to go through all this if you would just stop being selfish for once."

Gulf yelled, "I'm not being selfish. It's my life and I don't want to do anything with you. That doesn't make me selfish. You're sick in head."

"I can be worse. Don't make me destroy you both completely. Just please me and I'll make you happy in return. It's not that hard. I could force you if I want to but it won't be fun. I want you to come to me of your own free will, on your knees."

"That will never happen."

"Don't be so sure. Unless you want to be watch him die."

Gulf's eyes widened, "What?"

"I may grow impatient waiting for you and you see I'm not particularly fond of Mew. He gets to do you every night while I can't. It may make me irrational for a moment and Mew could get hurt a little or maybe worse."

"You wouldn't-"

"It's all on you, Gulf. I would hate to hurt Mew. I'm not that cruel but you're pushing me over the edge. You're making me do it. It's all because of you so you should take some responsibility. You want to save Mew, don't you?"


"Then be a good boy." With that said, Liam left.

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