Sandcastle Of Forever

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Gulf woke up because of noises coming from downstairs. He went down to see Mew and Vegas talking about something with serious looks on their face. He wondered what had happened. He decided to shower first and then ask Mew what had been doing for last few days. It seemed like he was planning something but he wouldn't tell Gulf. He always sidestepped the question. Gulf had an inkling that it was related to Liam and that filled him with dread. He didn't want Mew to go anywhere near that guy. What would Liam do if Mew confronted him directly? He may try to harm Mew and that was something Gulf couldn't accept.

He hadn't planned on telling Mew about Liam's threatening but since he had regressed it was hard to keep control over his emotions. Gulf had been been embarrassed when he realized he had regressed in front of Tine and his boyfriend. How weird he must've looked? They must think he's crazy and pity Mew for marrying him. Such thoughts plagued his mind since that day but it all was cleared when Tine called him after few days and told him not overthink. Gulf had been surprised at how kindly Tine talked with him. He didn't mention about his regression at all nor did he pity Gulf. He only called to tell him that his apology was accepted and he has nothing to be sorry about anymore.

After talking with Tine for some time, Gulf realized why Mew had fallen for him. He had ability to make Gulf comfortable and calmed him down. Of course, he was a bit jealous that they worked together but he could see how much Mew loved him and how in love Tine was with Wat. In a way Gulf was glad Mew had someone like Tine by his side in the past. Maybe if they had met in different circumstances, Tine and him could've been best friends, but who says they can't be now? Maybe someday.

"Mew, what's going on?"

"Nothing bub."

"Tell me. Don't keep me in dark."

"Bun, that's for-"

"I know you care about me a lot but so do I so at least tell me what you're doing."

Mew explained the plan to him and how he had met with Clarissa and threatened Liam.

"Do you really have such pics and video of Clarissa?" Gulf asked.

"Of course not. What sort of guy do you think I'm? Why would I take such video of my partner? I just said that to threaten her and she believed me."

"Ooh. I knew my Mew wouldn't do such thing."

"You doubted me." Mew sulked.

"Of course not. Oh, I forgot to tell you, I got an offer from a publishing house."

"What offer?"

"To publish my book as paperback."

"Wow Gulf that's a great news. I knew my baby could do it."

Gulf blushed under Mew's appreciating gaze, "They want to meet in person and discuss the contract."

"Are you done with the book?"

"I still half few more chapters to write. They read the summary and first three chapters and they liked it."

"I told you that you could do it. You're writing and narrative style is really great."

"I'm scared. Would you go with me?"

"Of course, bun."

Next two weeks went really fast for Gulf as he got busy with completing his manuscript. Meeting with the publisher had gone really well. They were ready to wait until Gulf would complete his book and then publish it. Gulf wanted to be anonymous author for now. He wanted to write under a pen name. He wasn't ready to face the people yet and he was sure book sale could get affected because of his family name. Thankfully the publishing house agreed with him. So he was set to release the book on new year under pen name, Starling.

Mew and Vegas were busy with their own workload as they set up their company. It was really hard growing a company from scratch but they were determined. Fortunately they got a team of really good people working with them and it didn't feel impossible now. Vegas had scouted these people- Ayan, Akk, Phayu, Rain, Ohm and Nanon. Mew was glad to be working with such great team. He was going to quit his job at the company so that he could focus on this.

Amidst all this, Mew managed to track an employee who used to work for Liam but had to leave because of his abusive nature. It took some time but he got the employee to divulge some confidential information regarding Liam. Meanwhile Clarissa was going crazy over her husband's obsession over Gulf. She had confronted him straight on when she learnt about this. Obviously at first he declined but soon showed his true colours. She wasn't someone who took insult well, she threatened to cut off his campaign funding if he dared to go anywhere around Gulf or Mew.

Liam was absolutely livid. He needed fund to support his campaign. He needed to be re-elected but Mew had almost ruined it for him. He needed to make sure that good for nothing guy knew his place. He wasn't going to just sit and watch his hard work go down the drain. He was going to make sure he won the election as well as Gulf. He was going strike when they least expected it and destroy whatever happily ever after these fools were dreaming about. He wasn't going to be reckless anymore. He'll plan his moves carefully and make sure it didn't leave any trail. He couldn't have anything ruin the election, not Mew or his wife.

Maybe these people thought he was a pushover because he had been quite lenient all this time. He will have to show them that he could've anyone or anything he desired. Mew Suppasit had been in his way since the day he met him and had done nothing but aggravate him further. He had audacity to threaten him, Liam Stanbury. All hell was going to break lose.

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