Learning To Live

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Tine was curled on his bed staring at nothing. Last two days had been nothing short of hell for him. He still couldn't believe how his entire world had fallen apart in blink of an eye. He had neither gone to college nor his job. He had few missed calls from the manager but he couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone. He had strong urge to call Mew and take him back but he stopped himself everytime. Breaking up with Mew was a right decision and no matter how much it hurt, he wasn't going to take it back. Their relationship ended the day Mew married someone else. All he could do was move on and live his life. Yet here he was sobbing and regretting everything. He had acted tough in front of Mew but right now he was breaking down and he wished he could rely on someone.

There was a knock at the door but Tine wasn't inclined move out of his room. For a brief second he wondered if it was Mew but quickly squashed the flicker of hope at that thought. If it was Mew, it would be better to not open the door. After few minutes of knocking his phone started ringing. Sarawat was calling him.

"Hello, Wat-"

"Open the damn door."


"Are you deaf? I'm outside your house. Open the door."

"Why are you here?"

"Will you open it or should I knock it down?"

Tine sprang out of bed and rushed towards the door opening it. Sarawat pushed him aside and entered the apartment. He looked around for a while as Tine stood shocked at the door.

"Why are you here?"

"Is that how you treat your guests? No refreshments? No greetings?" Wat asked sarcastically.


"I'm thirsty. Get me a glass of water."

Tine moved to the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water. He came out to see Wat sitting on the couch making himself comfortable. Wat took the glass and finished it in one gulp.

"Tell me why did you barge in my house?"

"To see if you were alive."


"You didn't come to work for last two days. Manager was furious."

"I wasn't well."

"You look completely fine to me."

"You can go now."

"I told the manager that you were attending your grandmother's funeral. He decided to let it go." Wat smirked.

"Why would you lie?"

"To save your job."

"Thanks but you didn't have to."

"I don't need your thanks. You got bored playing as little waiter so you decided to not come to work anymore?"

"I don't care what you think."

"I could get you fired."

Tine narrowed his eyes, "Are you threatening me? I thought you would be happy if I got fired so why did you lie?"

Sarawat fumbled, "Because you're amusing."

To be honest he had been worried about Tine. When Tine didn't show up for work, he felt uneasy. Though he didn't have best impression of the guy but he was sure that Tine wouldn't be this irresponsible without any reason. He got his house address from the manager claiming to give him support during such hard times. He wouldn't admit it to Tine because of his pride.

"Amusing? How did you get my address?" Tine asked abruptly.

"I have my ways."

"Whatever. Now leave-"

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