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"It's round." Gulf shrieked.

"What?" Mew asked hurriedly.

"My tummy. Bub is getting round."

"Good. You were too skinny before."

Gulf pouted, "But now I'm too round. It's all your fault."

"How is it my fault?"

"You feed bub tasty food."

Mew smiled, "Then you should exercise."

"Bub is lazy."

Mew smirked, "Then should I think of another way to burn calories?"


"Let it be. It's R-rated. Bub is too young for it."

Gulf frowned, "Tell me."


"Mew, tell me."

"You look pretty."

"Bub does?" Gulf blushed. "You are changing the subject."

"I find it amazing that you still blush whenever I compliment you."

"I'm hungry."

Mew laughs at the pouting Gulf, "Should I cook? Maybe not? My food is making you fat. I should stop cooking, right?"

Gulf huffed, "Mewie won't cook for bub?"

Mew stood in front of Gulf, "Is there anything in this world I won't do if my bub will tell me to?"

"Too cheesy. Now go make cheese sandwich."

"As you wish."

Tine was making dinner when Wat barged into the kitchen looking frantic.

"What happened?"

"Tine.... I.... Ah..... " Wat panted.

"First calm down."

"You won't believe who I met today?"


Wat exclaimed, "Liam Stanbury."

"Now who's that?" Tine asked.

"He's an Assemblyman but before he went into politics he was a well known in the business field. You've never heard of him?"

"Nope. So how did you meet him?"

Wat frowned, "Well, that's interesting. My manager said Liam's secretary asked for me."

"Why would he-"

"I can't believe I met him. He's charismatic in real life too. He's pretty too-"

Tine narrowed his eyes, "How pretty are we talking about? Pretty to look at? Or pretty enough to date?"

Wat chuckled nervously, "Babe, he's nothing in front of you. You're my number one."

"So he can be number 2?"

"Never. I have place for only one person and you've already occupied it."

It was Tuesday morning and Gulf was finishing his third cupcake for the day when his phone rang. He declined the call since it was unknown number. But when the call kept coming, he picked it up.



"Who's this?" He asked.

"You can't recognize my voice? I'm hurt."

"Liam? Why the hell-"

"No cursing babe. Words like that dont suit that sweet mouth of yours."

"Shut up, sicko."

"Name calling, huh? Even that's endearing when you do it."

"Why did you call me?" He asked angrily.

"You're well aware. Did you make your decision?"

"I'm not going to listen to you at all. I'm happy with things as they are now."

"Really? I wouldn't be so sure if I were you."

"I won't fall for your tricks."

"There's no trick, Gulf. Did Mew tell you that he met Tine?" Liam smirked.


"Seems like he didn't. He's working in the same company as Tine."

"So what?"

"They see each other everyday. What do you think will happen?"

"Nothing. I trust Mew so stop trying to break us apart."

Liam scoffed, "Trust? Time will show you how fickle trust is. Don't say I didn't warn you."

"I don't need you to warn me. I'll handle whatever happens."

"I assure you that you won't be able to handle the consequences if you don't do as I say. If you want to see your marriage turn into a nightmare, be my guest."


"Gulf, I'm offering you such a sweet deal. I'm not asking you to divorce or leave Mew. If you want then stay with him, your choice. I'm only asking for few nights. And to sweeten the deal, I'll have Mew reinstated in a big corporation that suits his qualification. Hell be away from Tine and making enough money to live in luxury."


"Mew is working under Tine. He is Tine's subordinate. Tine orders him to do stuff. How much that must've hurt Mew's pride? And don't you think Tine must be using this opportunity to make Mew do what he wants?"

"STOP. I don't want to listen to your bullshit anymore."

"It's not bullshit, Babe. You'll realize that soon enough. Maybe by then it'll be too late."

"What do you mean by that? "

"Gulf, my patience is waning. You don't want to watch it all fall apart, do you?"

"..... " Gulf disconnected the call.

He couldn't bear to listen anymore. He was frightened. He could feel his heart beating wildly. Should he tell Mew? Then what? Mew will try to confront Liam and he knew very well that wouldn't end well. And was Mew really working with Tine? He didn't tell him. Gulf trusted Mew but Tine's name still shook him. Mew said he was over Tine but he couldn't forget how Mew had almost killed himself for that guy. You don't forget love like that easily.

Mew was ready to die because he couldn't be with Tine anymore so how would he react working with him daily? Would there be no feelings involved? And wouldn't Tine try to seduce his Mew? He didn't know what sort of person Tine was but he couldn't help but think of him in negative light. Mew's ex was only a bad memory for Gulf but if it turned into nightmare, what would he do? He wasn't going to let go of Mew, that much he was sure of. He loved Mew and he was going to stay by his side for as long as he lived.

But if Mew cheated on him again, god knows what he would do. Gulf felt suffocated, the fear of losing Mew was driving him crazy. On top of that he was scared Liam would do something. That guy was obsessed and Gulf was sure he wouldn't leave them alone. Even though he hated to admit it but some of things Liam said were true. Gulf was the reason Mew was struggling like this and no matter how much Mew loved him, he must resent him a little. Guilt, fear, insecurity were overriding his senses. He felt overwhelmed and lost. Should he tell Mew? Or not?

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