A Lifetime of Pain

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Mew was standing outside Tine's apartment debating whether to go inside or not. That phone call had rattled him. He hadn't expected his father to threaten Tine like that. It was surprising that his father even knew about their rendezvous after his marriage. This evidently proved that his parents had an eye on his each and every action and that was unnerving in lots of ways. Everything aside, Tine deserved an apology from him. He had already hurt Tine so much and even after their breakup Tine had to suffer. He rang the bell deciding not to enter even though he knew the passcode. After a while, a guy opened the door startling Mew.

"Who are you?" Mew asked.

"I'm Tine's boy-" Mew stopped short, he had been so used to referring to himself like that he had forgotten he couldn't call himself that anymore. "I'm here to meet Tine."

"Tine is taking shower. You can come inside and wait."


Sarawat ushered him inside, "What's your name?"

"Mew Suppasit."

Sarawat's entire demeanor changed, "Oh, Tine's cheating boyfriend, right?"


Wat shrugged, "No need to be offended. I just call them as I see them. Not good at sugar coating stuff."

"Who are you?"

"Sarawat, Tine's daddy."

Mew choked on his saliva, "W-What?"

"I'm sure you know what I mean."

Mew asked, "You were the one who had called me, right?"

"Yup. I didn't like that people like you were troubling my baby boy."

"Do you like Tine?" Mew asked with a hint of jealousy.

"Like? I'm obsessed with him."

"Are you taking advantage of him? He must be vulnerable right now."

"I would say he's taking advantage of me."

"What do you mean? Tine's not like that."

"Oh boy, you have no idea what Tine is actually like. I'm addicted to him like a drug and he freaking knows it."

"You're weird. I think you should stay away from him."

Sarawat leaned towards Mew, "I'll stay by his side until he pushes me away. The only person allowed to stop me is Tine."

"I know Tine very well. He won't date someone like you."

Wat laughed, "He already is. We have even decided the names of our kids."


"Mew? What are you doing here?" Tine came out of his room.

"Tine, who's this guy? Are you dating him?"

Tine looked between Wat and Mew, "Did you come here to ask that?"

"No but-"

Wat looked at Tine, "Come here baby boy. Come to daddy."

Tine stared at him like he had lost his mind, "Is your bipolar personality acting up again?"

"Looks like I'll have to punish you tonight."

"I'll smack you if you don't clean the mess you've created in the kitchen." Tine glared at him.

Wat whined, "I was cooking for you."

"Yeah, but you didn't have to destroy my kitchen in the process."

"You're mean." Wat pouted as he went towards the kitchen.

Mew stared at two of them in wonder, "Tine-"

"Mew, why are you here? I don't think we've left anything to say to each other."

"I'm sorry. I know my father came to see you and I'm really sorry for how he behaved."

"Clear things with your parents. I don't want anymore trouble."

"It's all my fault. I should have stopped him. It's just that the doctor must've called him after I left and he thought it was because of you-"

"What doctor?"

"Nothing. I will make sure such thing won't happen again."

"Mew, tell me."

"It's really nothing."

"Do you want me to forgive you?"


"Then tell me. Did you go to hospital? Why?"

Mew was nervous, he didn't want to tell Tine about his suicide attempt. Time was kind and soft, he would definitely blame himself for everything. He unconsciously pulled down the sleeves over his scar which caught Tine's attention. He quickly came to the couch where Mew was sitting and grabbed his hand. He let out a gasp when he was a long scar on Mew's hand. It was obvious how it had happened.

"Y-You.....tried to k-kill yourself?" Tine stuttered.

"It's not like that."

"Do I look like an idiot to you? Why did you do that? Is it because of me?"

"NO. Don't blame yourself, Tine. I was just too drunk to think straight."

Few tears escaped Tine's eyes as he looked at the man he had loved so much. It made his heart ache to think Mew had almost died and he wasn't there beside him. Without thinking much Tine hugged Mew tightly. They stayed like that for a while.

"I always wonder where did it all go wrong."

Mew said, "You've always been too good for me."

"If you had died, it would have killed me."

"But we had already broken up."

"Breaking up doesn't mean I can stop caring about you. I may not be with you anymore but it'll still hurt if you're in pain."

"It hurts like hell even now to be apart."

Tine sighed, "Maybe in another lifetime, it would have been different."

"Maybe if I wasn't such a coward."

"It's not all your fault. We can't always get what we want. Maybe we had asked for too much."

"Were we too greedy, Tine? We just wanted to be happy."

Tine said sadly, "Not everyone gets to be happy."

"So this is goodbye."

"Yes. I'll always want the best for you. I hope you'll be happy with whoever you choose to be with."

Tine smiled, "I hope the same for you. I want you to give a chance to your marriage."

They parted ways for the last time vowing to never turn back. It was painful but that's how love was most of the time. We don't always end up with people we love. Some love story aren't meant to be. You could love someone more than life itself yet you won't get to spend your lives together. Compromise and adjustment is how you survive. Tine and Mew closed this chapter of their lives, hoping they could go on despite of the sorrow and pain residing inside them.

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