Potatoes and Blanket

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"It's so big." Gulf asked.


Gulf asked curiously, "Is it supposed to be this big?"

"I don't know. It just is." Mew replied not sure how to answer to that. They were currently sitting in living room comparing their hands.

"Well your head is big too." Gulf pointed at Mew's head.

"It is? I-"

"Why is it so big? It looks like a giant potato."

Mew said offended, "Why would you compare me to a potato?"

"What's wrong with a potato? Are you looking down on poor little potatoes? What have they ever done to you?" Gulf viciously defended his precious little potatoes.

"It's not like that. Potatoes are just.... " Mew shut his mouth when he saw Gulf glaring at him.

"Have they ever done anything to you?"

"No, how would a potato do anything to me?"

"Are underestimating them?"

"That's n-"

Gulf asked seriously, "Have they ever been rude to you?"

Mew sighed, "I'm pretty much sure they would be if they could be."

Gulf gasped, "That's prejudice. You hate them for absolutely no reason. That's mean of you. They are adorable, cute little round things, rolling here and there."

Mew smiled at cuteness of Gulf, "Aw my little bub loves potatoes. We should stop eating them from now on, right?"


"Would you eat your cute little potatoes? You said you love them."

"That's why I'll eat them. Because they are so cute. We should eat cute and adorable things."

Mew teased, "Then should I eat you too? You're cute and adorable."

"No. Bub is not something to eat. You shouldn't eat bub. You should love bub."

"I do." Mew said carelessly not even realizing what he had admitted and started playing with Gulf.


"Yes bub?"

"Are you big everywhere else?"

Mew blushed instantly thinking of not so innocent things, "I think so."

"You could be thinking wrong."

"Hmmmn, but my bub is so little. Like a baby."

Gulf sulked, "Bub is not a baby."

"Not even mine?"

Gulf pouted, "Yours only. Bub is only your baby."

Mew laughed at that, "Let's have lunch and then we'll go out for shopping in the evening."

"Will you buy bub pretty things?"

"Yes, lots of them."

Tine started going to his classes and job. He reprimanded himself for putting his life on hold like this. Obviously he ignored Wat completely and to his surprise Wat did the same. Though he hasn't expected anything else still it was a bit upsetting to see him act like nothing had happened. Tine was getting his bag from the staff room when one of his coworker came to talk to him.

"So Tine are you guys a thing now?"


"You and Wat. Friends with benefits stuff, you know."

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