Blood Is Weaker Than Love

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"What's wrong with you these days?" Mr. Suppasit exclaimed.

"Wrong with me? Don't you people realize what you're doing?" Mew yelled.

"Mew, let's be reasonable."

"Reasonable? Nothing you are saying makes sense. Stay away from my husband."

"Has he bewitched you or something? You're going against your parents for that guy." Mr.Suppasit said angrily.

"I'm going against you because what you're doing is wrong. How can you not realize that? Gulf isn't some object you can give away. He's a person."

"Do you think value of every life is same?"

Mew sighed, "Yes, every life matters and you don't get to decide it's worth."

His father glowered, "You're going to ruin everything because of that stupid boy. You haven't been good enough ever but this is beyond anything stupid you've ever done."

Mew stared at him with determination, "I'll never be enough for you guys. All you can see are my flaws and I'm tired of trying to meet your expectations. I don't want your approval anymore. I'm going to live my life the way I deem fit."

They were interrupted by ringing of his father's phone. He picked it up and talked for a while and his expression turned furious as he listened to the person on the phone. He cut the call and turned to Mew.

"MEW, did you know?"


"That your boy is crazy."

Mew felt his boy stiffen at those words, "He's not crazy."

Mrs. Suppasit looked at her husband in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Gulf has some mental problem." Mr.Suppasit said with distaste.

"It's a psychiatric disorder-"

"What the hell? How could Gulf's parents not tell us that their son is lunatic?"

"He's not lu-"

She interrupted him, "Shut up, Mew. When did you find out? Why didn't you tell us? We don't need a crazy son in law."

"How many times do I need to tell you guys that he's not crazy. Lots of people have psychological issues." Mew tried to explain.

"Divorce him."

Mew was startled, "W-What?"

"Didn't you hear me? Divorce him. Just sign the papers and give him to Liam. We'll get what we want and Liam would be happy too."

"I won't divorce him."

His mother frowned, "Why not? Do you want to be with someone who not right on head?"

"My life seems like a joke to you guys, right? I should marry when you tell me to and divorce when you say? I was forced to break up with my boyfriend because you wanted me to marry Gulf and now that I'm with him, you want me to divorce him? I won't do it."

"That boyfriend of yours wasn't good enough. He was poor and this one is crazy."

"Yet you can't even be half decent human like they both are."


"SHUT THE HELL UP. I'm done with you people." He screamed.

"The moment you walk out of here, I'll disown you. You won't have anywhere to go."

Mew stood up, "I should have done this long ago."

"Do you think it'll be easy to survive out there without our help?"

"It won't be easy but I'm sure it would be peaceful." With that said Mew walked out of the house that had been his cage for so long. Liberating himself from such prison felt refreshing. He hadn't felt so light in really long time. He reached home only to find Gulf sitting on the couch sniffling while Gulf's parents were shouting at him. He dashed inside and engulfed bub in his arms.

"Why are you people here?" Mew asked rudely.

"Is that how you talk to your elders?" Mrs. Kanawut said.

"I talk to people the way they deserve."

"We are here to knock some sense in Gulf."

"If you make him cry, I'll be the one knocking some sense in you guys."

"How dare-"

"Don't waste our time and get lost."

"Gulf, would you just sit there and let him talk like this to your parents?" His mother exclaimed.

"He's not wrong. You people should leave. I have nothing to say to you." Gulf said quietly.

"How ungrateful. It's not like we asked for something impossible. You can't even do this much for your parents?"

Gulf intertwined his fingers with Mew, "Parents? I don't think you people deserve to be called parents. There's a difference between sacrifice and self slaughter."

"We have done so much for you and this is how you pay us back."

"Because that's what parents are supposed to do. You gave birth to me so it's your responsibility to take care of me. And apart from providing basic necessities what have you ever done for me? You don't hug me when I'm scared or wipe my tears or tell me that you love me." Gulf shouted in anger and despair.

"We provided you food and shelter. How can you be so ungrateful?"

"That's not all to being parents. It's freaking more than that. You never made me feel wanted. You would find one way or the other to put me down. It messed up my self esteem to the point that it felt like I deserve it."

"You weren't normal at all. You would start acting like child-"

"Because I was sick." Gulf pointed at his head, "I was sick here. I so desperately wanted someone to tell me it would be okay. Do you think I liked being sick? I wasn't acting like a child, I couldn't help it. Do you have any idea how scary it was to not able to control your own consciousness?You people didn't love me so how could I expect anyone to love me? My own parents considered me nothing but burden."

Mew glared at them, "Had you got him the treatment needed he would have gotten better. You people neglected your own son just for the sake of shitty reputation."

Mrs. Kanawut scoffed, "I don't want to hear anything from you, Mew. Your father called us and asked for divorce so don't pretend you care about Gulf."

Mew said resolutely, "I'm not giving him divorce. I'm not leaving him and that's final."

"Do you think you would last even a day without our money and support?"

"I will because I have someone who loves and respects me, who can cry with me and laugh as well, who can pick me up when I fall and let me rise on my own, who supports me as much as he protects me." Gulf looked at Mew with nothing but love in his eyes.

Mew felt like sobbing, the kind you do when you're really happy. Gulf's left after a while. Mew pulled Gulf in his arms and they just sat their in each other's embrace.

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