First Ever Birthday Party

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Mew was in deep thought as he ran his hand through his husband's hair while he slept peacefully. He couldn't believe Liam had suggested such preposterous thing to Gulf. The anger and disgust he felt right now was driving his crazy. Gulf was his, no one had right to say such things and make his bub worry. No matter how powerful Liam was, Mew knew he could handle him just fine. He had money and power on his side too. If it came down to that, he wouldn't back down. Gulf was such a sweet soul who had gone through such worse things and now he was with Mew and nothing was going to harm him ever again.

His phone rang pulling him back from his thoughts, it was his father calling which immediately soured his mood.


"Liam called us."

That startled Mew, "Why?"

"He agreed to back us for the project."

"Out of blue? Why?" He asked suspiciously.

"He's interested in Gulf."


"At least your husband is good for something. It's a fair deal. Just make sure it's all discreet."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Let Gulf entertain him for a while. I'm sure he'll get bored soon."

"Do you realize what you're saying?"

"Yes, I do. It's not like you both had love marriage. It was a business deal even then. Don't make a big deal out of it." His father scolded.

Mew yelled, "I'll freaking kill before I let anyone touch him."

"MEW. Stop being emotional. Do you have any idea how immensely important this project is? Don't ruin it over a guy like him."

"Its just a business deal. We'll manage without Liam."

"It's not that easy. He could put stop on it if things go wry."

"Do you think Gulf's family would sit still?" Mew tried to convince him.

"Mew, Gulf's family hardly gives a damn about him and it's obvious to everyone. They aren't leading in business world anymore."


"Stop making excuses and just do what's necessary. Convince Gulf at all cost."

"I wo-"

"If you say no, I'll have to ask someone else to deal with it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I could threaten his family. There are numerous ways. Don't make it harder than it needs to be."

"I'll handle it." Mew cut the call and threw the phone making it break.

Gulf woke up because of the loud noise and came out of the room to see Mew pacing in the living room looking angry as hell.

"Mew? Is everything okay?"

Mew looked at him and instantly strode towards him looking all intimidating and hugged him tightly. Gulf was confused at Mew's action.

"Did something happen?"

"No. It's all okay. I'll make sure it's all okay." Mew said assuring him.

Next few days were quite busy for Mew since he was preparing for his bun's birthday. He wanted it to be special because he knew Gulf's parents never celebrated his birthday which saddened Mew a lot. He was going to make sure it was the best birthday anyone could have. His parents hadn't mentioned about Liam again and neither had Liam contacted them. Maybe they had let go of the idea. Someone in Liam's position would be crazy to go after a married man. He wouldn't want a scandal attached to his name.

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