Hangover's Suck

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*Josh's POV*


Ava's laugh travels throughout the hall and I run after her. "No! Josh! Stop!" She squeals, laughing as I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. I run down the hall, carrying her as I take her to the theatre room. "There you are, love birds!" Jeffery exclaims and I chuckle as I put Ava down. Riley rolls her eyes but puts a smile on her face anyways. I wink at her and her fake smile melts into a real smile. "Hey, where'd Jay go? And where's What's Her Name?" I ask and they all look down the hallway leading into the empty guest rooms. "Of course." I say as I settle down on a couch and Ava comes and sits on my lap. I bury my face into her neck and her brown hair covers my face. Now this is heaven on earth.


I wake up and see myself surrounded by three girls around me on my bed. What the hell happened last night? Suddenly, a cascade of pieces of memories comes flooding back to me and I groan. After the kiss with Avery happened, I tried to forget the way her lips felt on mine. The way my heart sped up and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack so I had to pull away. I groan and cover my eyes and one of the girls fall off the bed. Whoops.

"Goddamn." she mumbled and I sighed. "Get out." I say and she gets up from the floor. "What?" She asks. I shake awake the other two girls and repeat myself. "Get out of my room. Now." I say and get out from the bed. I get some jogger sweatpants from my suitcase and start pulling them on. All three girls share a look and they gather their clothes and leave the room. Just as the door closes, I collapse on the bed, pull a pillow to my face and yell. I take the pillow off and sigh.

Suddenly, there's a soft knock on my door and I call out "Come in!" The door opens slowly to reveal Emma, her blonde hair down, wearing joggers and a hoodie. "Hey," she says softly. My mouth quirks up into a smile and Emma limps over to me and sits on the end of the bed. "Can I ask you something? Well, two things?" She asks and she bites her lip. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"Did those girls come out of your room?" Emma deadpans. She doesn't hesitate or pause or anything. She's straightforward about it and honestly, it left me speechless. I open my mouth to try to say something but I'm at loss for words. "Yeah, they did." I say softly. Emma avoids looking at me and sighs. "I figured. Nobody else is here, they all left to go out to eat or to the beach or whatever. And I mean," Emma says and this time she looks at me and meets my eyes, and I see that they are filled with tears. "It's not like we were together or anything." She finishes and a stray tear falls out.

She wipes it away just as another comes out. I've never seen her cry, but then again, I don't know her very well. In fact, I hardly know any of them. Even though Avery and I had... whatever we had, I still didn't know her. "Emma, it didn't mean anything to me." I say softly and she scoffs. "Sex never means anything to guys. Ava said so " Emma cuts herself off once she realizes what she said. "What did you just say?" I ask. Emma closes her mouth and shakes her head. "Nothing, I didn't say anything at all." Emma says quickly. "How did you know Ava?" I exclaim and Emma flinches. "I could lie and say something else but I'm gonna say the truth. Ava is, was my cousin." Emma sighs.

I get up from the spot on the bed and start pacing around room. "So, you already knew who I was when we met?" I ask. Emma shakes her head. "Kinda. I knew she was going out with a guy named Josh, back in California. But I didn't knew what he looked like. And since you weren't at the funeral, I don't know. Anyways, when I first met you or well, heard of you, I didn't make a big deal out of it. You were a guy named Josh, from California. There could be hundreds of guys named Josh that live in California." Emma said and I nodded.

"But then, I kinda went stalking through your's and Ava's Instagram and yeah, I found comments and stuff and that's when I realized that you were her's." Emma finished. "When did you find this out?" I ask, struggling to keep my voice even. "The day after the accident." She says softly. "Fuck," I mumble and go over to my suit case. I move everything from the top and go straight to the bottom. And there it is. My secret stash of weed. All of it was already rolled into joints and although I didn't want to, the stress was getting to me. I got the lighter, went to the window and lit it. I took a drag and opened the window, just as I let the puff of smoke out.

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