Diamonds At Christmas

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*Josh's POV*


Winter break was halfway over and today was finally Christmas morning. James came barging into my room, jumping on my bed to wake me up. "Wake up! Wake up! It's Christmas!" James exclaimed. "Jamesssssss!" I groan, covering my eyes. "It's practically dawn." I say, turning over with my face in my pillow. "It's 8:30 in the morning." James points out. "Exahtely. Don." I say into my pillow. "What? No! It's late." James pouts. "Alright, alright. Let's go open these godforsaken presents." I say, turning over and pulling on a pair of flannel sweatpants.

James runs down the stairs, and I follow him, walking faster than my usual pace to catch up to him. We make it to the living room and we stop. "Holy," James begins. "Hell." I finish. Under our tree, are so many presents. They don't even all fit under the tree, so many of them are around and on the couch and stuff. We turn and look at each other and then dive into the pile of presents. We divide them into our piles, one for me and one for him.

"Whoops, this one's yours." James says, passing the smallest box out of all of them, to me. I raise my eyebrow and open that one first. Inside, are keys. "Yo, I think I just got a new car." I say. "Where it at though?" James asks and I shrug. "Thank you mom and dad." I say amused. I grab another random box and unwrap it. It's a black box and inside is a Michael Kors watch. "Okay, okay." I say sassily. "Josh, would you shut up? Every time you open up a new present, you comment on it. It's annoying." James groans, sounding somewhat like me when I'm with Avery while she's watching one of her shows. She's always commenting on what they do or say or even wear.

"Sorry." I grumble. Many were book sets, like Harry Potter or separate books piled neatly on top of each other, like the Legend trilogy. But what was mostly there were shoes and clothes. Tons of shoes, like Jordans's and Vans and Converse and even Timberland's. There was even a really good smelling cologne. But my favorite present was a vinyl record player, with records like Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Journey, Green Day, Sleeping With Sirens, etc. I was in band heaven. Not that I specifically believed in heaven or hell, I mean, I was a Buddhist.

"Let's fire this baby up!" I exclaim. I stare at the record player and scratch the back of my neck. "Uh, James? How do I fire this baby up?" I ask my younger brother awkwardly. "I dunno. Google it, you idiot." He says, as he unwraps another present. A brand new iPhone 6. "About time!" James exclaims, grinning. In that moment, the house phone rings and I get up to answer it. "Hello?" I ask. "Um, is James home?" a voice asks. "Yesss, may I ask who's calling?" I say. "Oh, sorry. It's William, but he calls me Will." The boy says. I almost drop the phone and then I start coughing uncontrollably. I clear my throat and yell out. "Um, James, phone."

James walks in, brows furrowed in confusion and takes the phone from me. "Hello?" he asks. James's confusion clears up and he says "Hey, what's up!" He says and both phones in hand he runs upstairs and slams the door shut. "Okay then." I say awkwardly. I open the last present, which was an all black custom made, iPhone 6 with silver buttons. I whistle under my breath and admire it. I take it out of the little box and a note falls out. I pick it up and in my mom's loopy handwriting, it says

Check in the pantry behind the potatoes. That's for Avery, I told you I'd take care of it.

- mom

I smile and head to the pantry and bend down and move the potatoes and there, is a small black box. I stand up and flip the lid and find a simple heart-shaped diamond necklace. I turn it to the other side and on the back, it has Avery's initials. AMH, it says. I go upstairs and pull on a pair of jeans and black and red checkered flannel. I put the box, my old phone and keys to the house in my pocket. I pull on a pair of black Vans and a black beanie on and rush back downstairs. I look at all my Christmas present on the floor and groan. I carry an arms full of stuff back up and dump it on my bed. I place the watch, phone, keys and cologne in my bathroom and head back downstairs. After three more trips, I finally have all my stuff upstairs. I take out my phone and send a quick text to Avery to meet me outside.


This is just part one, part two is the next chapter :)

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