Gotta Love Revenge

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A/N: Hiiiii, omg. Okay, so I wanted to do a chapter on what's going on back in North Carolina. And well, we all know that Emma's fumming with what happened with her and Josh back at the beach. So, I decided to do an update, with Emma's POV! Enjoy my loves :)


~Emma's POV~


So Avery and Josh were both mysteriously gone from North Carolina. I would bet anything that those two are both down in California right now, probably hooking up as I'm hobbling up this drive-way. The loud trap music is pounding and drunk teens are puking out their guts into the flower bushes. I tug at my dress from the top and the bottom and continue the walk up the driveway. "Emma!" someone exclaims and I look up to see Dylan's brown eyes. I grin and say "Hey! Thanks for telling me to come. I just couldn't stand being in my house." Dylan smiles easily and says "No problem. The rest of our friends are here and Lucas has been asking about you." He smirks.

"Aw, poor Lucas. He's just too sweet for me, you feel?" I say sadly. "Yeah, there are just some people that are too nice or innocent for you." He says and he looks off into the distance. I smirk. Of course he hasn't gotten anywhere with Avery. She's too good for that sinning stuff. "So where are the drinks?" I ask and Dylan looks uneasy. "Are you suppose to be able to drink alcohol, you know, with all the pain medication?" Dylan asks. "I only take it when it hurts, so not everyday and it hasn't hurt so, I'm good." I smile and he relaxes. "Okay, well come on then. Let me show you where the kitchen's at." He says and I follow him into the house.

As I pass by, many people call out my name and I smile. This is one of the perks of being popular. You're never alone. "Em!" someone calls out and I turn around. "Max! Hey, what's up?" I exclaims, smiling. "Glad to see you out and about." Max grins and I laugh. "Oh, trust me. Nothing keeps me away from a party." I smirk. "I can see that." Max winks. I giggle and he reaches past me and grabs two shot glasses. "Take one with me." Max says. "I dunno," I say. "You're killing me here, Em. Take one with me." Max insists. "Okay, okay." I give in. Max cheers and I laugh. "Okay, one, two and go!" Max says and we take the shot in unison.

The familiar taste is in my mouth and the alcohol burns my throat and goes through me and I relax instantly. "I may have just asked you for one shot, but is there any way I can convince you to take another one with me?" Max asks me and I pretend to consider it. "Hmm, take a shot with one of our schools best soccer players or walk around this party like a loner." I tease. "Well, good bye then." Max teases. I laugh and shake my head as he pours another shot of vodka. "Alright, here you go." Max says and he hands me the shot glass. I drown it faster than I did the first one and Max stares at me. I smirk and say "Gonna give me more or do I have to serve myself?" Max shakes his head amused and grabs a red cup from the table.

He pours a little less than half of vodka and reaches over for the Coke-Cola. "Not too much. Just, here." I say and take the bottle from him and pour in just a timy bit. "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I hear someone say from behind me and I turn around. "Alexia! Hey!" I say and I hug her. "Hey yourself." She says and takes a sip from her own cup. "I've been meaning to ask, how are you and Josh going along?" Alexia asks and she glances quickly at Max. "There is no 'Me and Josh'. We just hung out." I say seeing right through her act. She just wants to make it look like I'm in a relationship with Josh so she can try and hook up with Max. As if I'm going to let that happen.

"Oh." Alexia says and I think she finally gets it. I won, you lost. Good bye. She takes a hint a leaves me and Max alone. "Yo, there's a seriously intense game of beer pong outside. You have to see it! Oh, hey Emma. " Alexander suddenly appears. "Alright, Em's, you in?" Max asks. "I'll be out there is a bit." I say and take a sip of my cup. "Okay, see ya." Max says and Alexander follows him, calling out "Laters, Em." I chuckle and walk around the house, weaving my way around the crowds and halfway there, I finish my cup. I groan and make my way back and pour an entire cup of straight vodka.

I make it to the front of the house and find Dylan on the phone. "So you're enjoying California?" He listens and then says "Yeah, that's cool. The noise? Oh, I'm at Nicholas's house. He's having a house party." Silence. "Nicholas. You know, the football player. Getting a full ride to Florida State?" Dylan says and then says "Yeah, Ave. Him." He laughs. "Yeah, I won't drink and drive. Don't worry, okay?" Silence. "I don't know, maybe because we won the game." He says. Silence "C'mon, parties on days that there aren't supposed to be parties are much funner. And his parents are still out of town." Silence. "Alright, go out to eat with them, then." Silence. " 'Kay, love you too."

Woah, the big three. They've said it. I wonder when that happened. He hangs up and then a group of girls walk by. "Hey, Dylan." They say in usion and Dylan does a quick once over. Ha, "I love you" my ass. "Hey girls." Dylan grins and they giggle and walk away, swaying their non-existant ass. Dylan is still staring at them as they walk past me and then Dylan finally notices me. I smirk, take a drink and walk over to him. And just as I was one foot away from him, I trip over a bottle. I fall and then I'm in Dylan's arms. I look into his brown eyes and he stares back into my green ones and he leans down and kisses me.

The kiss is electric and it sends fire through me. His tounge asks for entrance and I give it yo him willingly. I pull away for a second and grab his hand. "Come on." I say and lead him up one of the bedrooms. I open it, walk in and pull him inside before closing the door. "Em, maybe we shouldn't do this.." Dylan starts but then moans and I suck the skin on his neck. "Shh, it's going to be fun." I smirk.


Another A/N : happy sunday! first day of school tomorrow, urgh. But, yay, high school? good luck to everyone who starts tomorrow!

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