Little Plaid Dress

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*Josh's POV*


After lunch, everyone is seriously pissed off at Avery. Like, madly pissed off. She was supposed to meet us for lunch and after 10 minutes, she never showed up. Ryder, Marco and Emma and even I tried calling and texting.

After lunch, I walk with Ryder, Emma and Brittney to study hall. And the entire time, all I hear is Brittney and Emma complaining about Avery. "Hey, Em. Can I talk you you alone?" I ask her

"Yeah. Sure. I'll talk to yall later." Emma tells them and we walk doen the hall.

"Do you still want me to come over?" Emma asks me.

"Actually, that's what I wanted to tell you. My little brother isn't gonna be home and my parents are hardly ever there. Is that okay with you?" I asked her.

She bites her lip and says "Sure. I'll be over around 3:00? If that's good?"

"Sure. See ya then." I say and grin.


I was just finished fixing my beanie when the doorbell rang. I looked over at the clock and it read 3:01. I smiled and headed downstairs. I just loved punctual people.

"Hey!" Emma said when I opened the door.

"Hey, wow. You look amazing." I say, and I meant it. She had braided her blonde hair, was wearing a short plaid dress and some brown combat boots.

She blushes and I open the door so she can come in.

"Well, since you're dressed so nice, we can't let this outfit go to waste, can we?" I smiled and she laughed.

"It doesn't matter." She said and my heart started speeding up a bit.

"Yes, it does. Now c'mon." I said as I grabbed my keys and phone and grabbed her by the hand. And she didn't let go.

"Where are we going?" She asked, giggling and my heart literally melted.

Josh, get your shit straight.

"Everywhere and nowhere." I said and opened the door for her. Emma lingered around the door, not getting in the car.

"C'mon. Don't you trust me?" I asked her.

Emma bit her lip and said "Kinda, we don't really know anything about each other. You could be a serial killer."

"Quit quoting The Fault In Our Stars and get in the car." I said and her eyes widened.

"You know The Fault In Our Stars?" She gasped.

"Honey, I finished that book in 4 hours. Get in the car." I said and she quickly got in.

I went to the other side of the car and before I got in, I saw Avery at her window. Looking at me. At us. I waved and she was practically fumming.

I turned on my ipod and put it on shuffle and the first song that came on was Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides by Pierce The Veil.

"I love the begining of this song. It's really cool." Emma says and I nod. "It is." I agree.

"So, where are we going?" Emma asked me, trying to play it off casually.

"Nice try." I laughed.

"Tell me about yourself." Emma said and I glanced at her and then focused on the road again.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"I don't know. What's your favorite color?" She asked me.

"Black." I stated and I could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"Seriously. Besides black, any other color?" Emma said.

"Sky blue." I said and I saw her nod from the corner of my eye.

"What's your favorite food?"

"Everything. "

She laughed and said "Because you're a guy, I actually belive you."

I chuckled and said "Nah, well, it's McDonald's chicken nuggests"

"Favorite fruit?"

"What's a fruit?" I joked and she shoved me playfully.

"I'm kidding. It's pineapple."

"What's your favorite book?"

"Are you fucking with me right now? That's the fucking hardest question I've ever heard of." I told her.

"C'mon. Just answer the question." Emma said and I sighed.

"Alright, it would have to be Looking For Alaska by John Green and Some Boys by Patty Blount. They're really good. You should read them." I tell her and then turn into CiCi's Pizza.

"C'mon. We're gonna show you off to the world." I say and open the door.


After the pizza, we went to go see Mockingjay part 1.

"They totally ruined the movie." I said as we came out the theatre.

"They did not." Emma said, rolling her eyes.

"Have you read the book?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows.

"No but-" Emma starts but I cut her off.

"Then they ruined it." I said.

"Well than." She said and I laughed.

"Well, this has been really fun." I tell her and she smiles.

"Yeah, it has. It's been a nice first date." She says and I grin like a little kid.

"Yeah, it has." I agree.

The drive back to my house is filled with music, and belive it or not, hand holding.

I turn around to look at Emma and she's singing along to every word. She looks at me and smiles and then her face goes white and then the world turns dark...


Ohhhh spooky. Update will be Friday, December 28, 2014. Or, I might update on the 25th, as a Christmas present.

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