I'm Screwed

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*Avery's POV*

I slammed the door as I walked into my room. When did I become one of those kids?

I slummped on my bed and then got up. I needed some time to relax. Like, for real.

I walked out to my drawer and opened it. I grabbed some of the body salts that my Aunt gave me for Christmas. Every year.

I go over to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. I open up the salts and smell, it smells good, it's vanilla. I pour some in and then get in my self.

Yup, it's working.


I walk to my room, my hair is dripping wet and I'm fully relaxed.

I had my earbuds in and then Bang Bang came on. "This is my jam!" I squeal and I start to dance. I never really danced at all but when I did, I danced in my room.

And since I was in my room, why not dance?

I started dancing song after song. And my towel fell off a while ago, but I didn't care. I was in the safety of my room.

Until, I opened my eyes and saw Josh looking at me! My eyes widened and I scrammbled to get my towel and to close the blinds.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit! Aw fuck! Now I was going to have to call him. Fuck, where's my phone?

The last time I had it...was when I was in Josh's car.

Great, now I was going to have to go over and get my phone from him.

As soon as I got dressed.


I knocked on the door and waited. This reminded me of the first time I met Josh.

Rude ass self. Slammed the door in my face.

The door was opened by James amd I smiled. "Hey James! Is your brother home?" I said and James nodded.

"Can you go get him?" I asked and James nodded "JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed and I forced a smile and said "Thanks."

And like the first time we meet, Josh ran down the stairs. "Thanks James." He said and James nodded and walked away.

"What's up?" Josh asked as I crossed my arms.

"2 things. First, I need my phone back. And second, you freaking perv!" I said.

"2 things. First, you're phone is in my room, and second, maybe you should have closed your blinds before you started practicing for your pole." Josh shot back.

I flinched like I've been slapped in the face. "You bitch!" I screamed and I almost slapped him but he grabbed my hands and put them in the air.

I tried to kick him, but he grabbed my leg. Honestly if I were James, it would look like we were making out.

Josh's face was inches away from my face, and he said "Don't ever try to hit me." And then he let me go.

He started walking upstairs and said "Do you want your phone or not? I could care less."

I let out a frusterated groan and walked up the stairs.


I walked into his room and he said "Don't come in."

I rolled my eyes and went in anyways. The room was practically bare. No colored walls, boxes of stuff around the room.

The only thing that was evidence that someone lived here, was the bookshelves that were full of books.

Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, Divergent, Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, and a shit load more.

Above it said a simple line "What better way to leave the real world than to enter a new one"

"Here." Josh says as he comes back and hands me my phone. "Oh, and you know the way out." He adds.

I sigh and make my way out the house. I was most definitly never coming back to this house, ever again.

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