Go Screw Yourself

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*Avery's POV*

I ran to class and gave my teacher an apologetic look. I went to my sat and sat down to Em. "Hey, did you finish your homework?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Thanks for covering. What did you say?" I reply.

"That you weren't there yet. You were running late cause you had to help your mom with something." She said.

"As long as they don't call my mom!" I sigh and get my notebook out.

"Okay class! Open up your math textbooks to page 369." The teacher said.


"Those were some gruesome classes." I said as I sat down at our regular table at lunch.

"Preach it!" Kendall groaned. The rest nodded in agreement.

"WHAT'S UP MA BITCHES!" Ryder shouted when he got to the table.

"RYDER! SHUT UP!" We exclaimed.

"Is that the way you show your gratitude to your best friend for bringing you pizza?!" He questions, as he shows us a Papa John's pizza box.

"WE LOVE YOU RYDER!" We shout. We open the box and dig in.

"Hey guys." Marco says when he reaches us. "Marco! Where's Polo?" Emily jokes to her boyfriend.

"Very funny. I hope it's okay that I invited someone to sit with us." Marco says as he motions to a guy behind him.

"Hey, I'm Josh." He says. And I tense up.

Fucking Marco.

Don't get me wrong. I love Marco, he's like a brother to me. Especially since I'm an only child, but he sometimes has some of the world's worst ideas. This was one of them.

I look down at my pizza and tear pieces of it. "You can sit right in front of Avery." Someone says and immediatly, I look up.

Damn. Curse my reactions. So much for not looking up from my pizza.

Josh nods and sits in front of me. "Hey, you're the girl with the fat ass, right?" Josh asks and I can see him start to smirk.

"You can go screw yourself!" I say and I get up and walk away.

The entire lunch table looks at me. "I'm gonna go. Have something else to do." I say and with that, I walk away.


"Bruh! What happened in there?!" Ryder asked me after lunch.

'Oh, you know. The new guy's a bitch, a pervert and a jerk. He was rude to me and I hate him.' I think but instead I say "Just alot of pressure to get into a good college."

"Why don't you just take a year off? It's SENIOR year! Hello! Some of your best memories will be made this year!" Ryder exclaims and I laugh.

"If only it were that easy..." I say.

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