Afternoon Delight

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*Josh's POV*

After I finshed my little brother with his homework, whick was a lot for a little kid, I started heading up to my room.

I pulled my earbuds out my pocket and began untangling them.

It was pretty annoying.

I was done and that's when I realized that I left my phone plugged into my stereo in the car.

Pissed of, I went outside to get my phone. And I saw a pink iPhone on the passenger seat.

"Fuck." I groaned and grabbed it.

I turned it on and the wallpaper was of all her friends. They were sitting on the hood of some trucks, probably Ryder and Marco's cars.

And then sun was in the corner, it looked pretty cool. And artsy type shit.

I slid it and it opened, no password. I smirked and headed inside.


As I paced around my room, I began looking through her phone. There wasn't much really.

Two games, flappy bird and weird thing that makes you connect some colorful dots.

More like a brain game than an entertaining game.

She had a shit load of pictures.

I got bored so I took a couple pics of myself on her phone, I entered my number under 'Guy With Biggest D' and finally put it to recharge.

I paced around my room and walked over to my window. That's when I saw Avery dancing in her room, with only a towel on.

Then, a couple of seconds later, it fell off.

And let me just say, she has one of the best bodies I've ever seen. She has curves in all the right places.

She was doing a little bit of vulgar dancing, nothing that I wasn't used to.

But I was kinda shocked she was naked, and dancing like a regual girl.

I guess that's when the song was over, cause she looked up and her eyes widened.

She quickly shut the blinds and I walked away.


You know, as a new kid, most teachers think you'll get all your work done, espicially homework, so you can catch up with the other students.

But let me just say, I wasn't doing shit. I was sitting in my room, reading The Hunger Games.

People think that guys don't read, and if they do it's either porn magazines or comic books.

Fuck that shit, I read actual books. Anyways, I should be doing my homework, and I should be unpacking, just that's just to much.

The only thing that I've unpacked, was my bookshelf and all my shit for my bed.

I hear my name called at the top of James's lungs. I silently chuckle and run down the stairs.

Kinda like the first time I met Avery.

"Thanks James" I say and he just nods and walks away.

"So, what's up?" I ask and she says "2 things: First, I need my phone back. And second, you freaking perv!"

This bitch... "2 things: you're phone is in my room. And second, maybe you should closed your blinds before you start practicing for your pole!" I snap.

She flinches, as if I slapped her. "You bitch!" She screams and tries to slap me.

Thanks to all the self-defense classes I went to, I caught them in mid-air. And then, the nerve of this bitch, she tries to kick me.

So, with one hand, I'm holding her hands and with the other, I'm grabbing her leg.

Hopefully, James doesn't come in. Cause it kinda looks like I was fucking her from the front.

I lean in close and I feel her breathing speed up. "Don't ever try to hit me." I say, and I wanna lean in and kiss her, just to see what she would do.

But instead, I let go of her and start heading up stairs. And without turning around and say "If you want your phone, or not? I could care less."

I hear her let out a frusterated groan and I smile to myself.


I hear her reach my door and say, just for the hell of it, "Don't come in."

I could practically hear her roll her eyes and from the time I've known her, I can tell that she'll come in anyways.

Now, where'd I leave her phone..?

I walk into the bathroom, where I usually charge my phone, and there's that pink little shit.

Should I let her keep my pics?

Nah, so I delete them. I also delete my number from her phone. She won't be needing it anyways.

I'm about to head out, when I pull out my phone.

Just because she can't have my number, doesn't mean I can't have her's.

I smirk and punch in her number into my phone.

I exit the bathroom, and just as I thought, she's right there. Looking at my books.

"Here," I say as I hand her back her phone "Oh, and you know the way out." I add.

She sighs and walks out the door. Honeslty, I kinda hope she will and won't come back to this house.

But a wish that strong, just won't be strong enough...

*A/N: Sorry I didn't update sooner, I feel really bad about that /.\
Anyways..., how's this chapter? *wink, wink* Love you guys!

*Almost forgot! I have almost 1,000 reads on this book!!! ARGHH! I can't belive this! It's so crazy! I love every comments I get, they're amazing to read. Espicially those commenting on the song choices, yall have awesome taste in music❤ Love all of you❤

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