For Fuck's Sakes

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*Josh's POV*

*When Avery admitted she was a virgin*


So my new 'friend's' a virgin, no surprise there. She kinda even dresses like a prude.

She backs away a little and asks the stupidest question ever "Do you have a condom?"

My fucking god, I didn't think she'd actually come, so I didn't buy any.

Instead of saying the truth, I say "I'm not going to fuck you."

I can tell she was hoping I was going to because the light in her eyes fades away.

"Perfect. I needa get home anyways." She says.

She grabs her shirt and jeans and boots.

I really wanted to fuck her, but I can't risk getting her pregnant.

"Alright. Later." I says as I start getting comfortable in bed.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll bury you." She says and I laugh.

"I'm serious." She says and I nod.

"Later" I said as she climbed out my window.

"Peace" She says.

I guess I'll just fuck her next time.


The next morning was quiet. Too quiet for my opinion.

I look over at my clock and it read 9:14.

No wonder it was quiet as fuck! Everyone left already!

Ehh, I'll just skip.

I need to go to avoid Avery, anyways.

As I'm getting my keys and walet, my phone rings.

Damn, it's my dad. Oh shit, I'm fucked.

I answer and try to sound calm.

"Hey Dad" I say

"Josh, the school called your mother saying that you over-slept. And then your mother told me that you over slept. Are you on your way to school?" He asks.

Fuck, he went straight to the point. Damn, I am gonna have to go to school.

"Yeah, I, um, just got out the shower." I say.

"Okay. Make sure you do go to school. I'll see you next week. Bye Josh." My dad says and with that, he hangs up.

"Yeah, I will dad. Oh, and by the way, I'm doing pretty good at school. No problems at all." I say to the dead line.

Guess I'm going to school today, awesome.


I enter 2nd period, even though there's like, 5 minutes left, and Marco passes me a note.

*where was you at doe? -m*

I smirk and write *sorry, i was fucking your mom -j*

*ight, was my dad home doe, i need money -m*

I chuckle and then cough to cover it up *nah man, i got $1.99 doe -j*

Marco reads it and turns to me and mouths "That's good enough for me"

The bell rings and we leave the class "Seriously though, where were you?" Marco asks.

"Over-slept." I shrug.

"Then why didn't you stay at home?" Marco asks me.

Like hell I'm gonna tell them that my dad made me come.

"Was gonna be bored at home." I lie. Shit, if I stayed at home, I would've had the time of my life.

"And you decided to go to school?!" He exclaims.

"Shit, if I were you, I would've hit the beach. Or the mall, Game Stop, I don't know! Some place other than school." He adds.

I laugh and say "C'mon dumbass. Let's go to lunch!"


Once we're all at our lunch table, Ryder gets straight to buissness.

"Alright. So the State Fair's coming up! And this year, I suggest we go. Drum roll, please." He says and we all drum on the table.

"On Thursday. Opening day. As in, skipping school and going there the entire day!" Ryder exclaims and we all cheer.

I sneak a look at Avery. She looks..., sad. I wonder why.

"So Thursday?" I ask, taking my eyes off Avery.

"Yeah. We're gonna be there from when the doors open, till when the doors close, ight?" Ryder explains.

"Britney! This is going to be the perfect opportunity for you to take a picture for the magazine internship!" Emma exclaims.

"I know right!" Britney says and Emily hugs her boyfriend. "This is going to be so much fun!" She says.

"Right, Avery?" Emma adds.

Avery looks up and says "Yeah!" She smiles, but I can tell she's not into it.


A/N: Kinda late, I know. I'm so sorry! But Omg! I love you guys! And all the comments and everything❤ 4k reads! 4 FUCKING K READS! Omg! I feel the love! Love yall!

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