State Fair

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*Avery's POV*

I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore. Ignoring my mother's rules, breaking curfew, sneaking out my house around midnight, sneaking around with the guy next door...

I've gone from the good girl my mother raised by herself to one of the girls I secretly admired.

Being with Josh was like being in a different world. A world where everything I did and say, actually did matter.

Our sneaking around went on and at last, the day of the State Fair finally arrived.

At breakfast, I decided to go to easy, good girl way.

"Mom, I was wondering if I could go to the State Fair today, after school?" I asked.

"You know that the month punishment isn't over, right?" She said without looking up from her newspaper.

"I know, but I was hoping you could make an exception. Just this once? I can make up for it any other day." I plead.

"Alright. Here's what I'll do. I'll let you go, but, you will have to make up the day. Any day that I chose and I don't want to hear any complaining. If I hear any, I'll add another day. Deal?" My mother replys.

I think it over... NOT! I was just happy that I was able to go. "Deal. Thanks mom!" I say.


When I get to the school parking lot, I instantly see Josh, Ryder and Marco holding... Starbucks?

I race over to them and say "It's finally set! I'm able to go out today!" I squeal.

"That's awesome! Senior Year, here we come!" Ryder pumps his fist in the air and we laugh.

"Guys!" We hear and we see Emma running over to us.

"Emma!" I squeal and the boys cover their ears.

"Save it for the fair!" Ryder exclaims.

"I know! I know! Sorry!" I say and run over to hug Emma.

"I feel like I haven't talked to you for a long time!" She says as she hugs me.

"I know! I know! I've been a little pre-occupied." I say slightly lying.

It's true! Sneaking around with Josh, they're pre-planned things.

"Can we have the Starbucks now?" Emma asks.

"Sure!" Marco says as he hands us the drinks.

Josh hands me a Mocha Cookie Crumple Fappe, with two pumps of chocolate and extra whipped cream, my favorite.

"You know my order?" I quietly ask him.

"Obviously." He smiles and I grin.

"Have yall talked to Kendell?" Ryder asks.

"Not really, Lemme text her." Emma says as Emily comes over to us.

"Hey guys! Hey bae!" She says to us and then to Marco as she kisses him on the cheek.

"Hey babe" He says.

Blahh, couples.

"COCK-BLOCK!!" Britney says as she comes running over to us and driving straight in between Emily and Marco.

"Brit! Just let them be!" Alexia says.

Alexia was the pretiest out of all of us. Out of the entire school, to be exact.

And I could tell Josh was probably thinking the exact same thing.

I sighed and started talking Ryder about the details. I was ready to leave already. "So who else is coming?" I asked Ryder.

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