I'm Ready

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*Graduation Day*


"I present to you the graduating class of 2017!"

Avery rushes to the back of the section for graduates and launches into Josh's arms, laughing. "We did it!" she exclaims and he holds her tightly. Emma wobbles to them, holding her stomach with every step and hugs her best friend.
"I can't believe we're finally out! I really can't wait to get to California!" Emma says and Avery smiles. Avery, Josh and Emma were all going to go to California next week. Emma was going to move in with her girlfriend, Riley, while attending night class at a local community college.
Avery spots her mom in a distance, talking to Marco's mother. Avery slowly walks over to her mom, and hugs her tightly. "I did it, mom." She says and her mom's eyes fills with tears. "I know baby. I'm so proud of you."
Josh comes and wraps his arms around Avery's waist. His parents were somewhere in Europe, of course. They had claimed they would be at the ceremony but Josh stopped believing in their promises a long time ago. Avery's mom gives them a smile, and snaps a picture. It had taken her a while but she finally grew comfortable with the idea that her daughter was going out with the troubled boy from next door. If anything, she welcomed him and his younger brother with open arms. As if they were her two sons. Brittney and Kendell rush over, Marco and Ryder trailing behind them. All their parents rush over with their phones and cameras in hand.

"One over here!" Ryder's dad says and they all groan but secretly appreciate the fact that pictures are being taken. It was the second to last day we were all going to be together once again.

Marco was gonna be traveling with us to the west coast, but he would attend Seattle University. Kendell and Ryder were going to be attending Notre Dame together while Brittney would go to Brown University. The group would no longer be as close as they were but it was still much better than they had thought it'd be like.

"Avery, your speech about Dylan was... really moving. Like, no sarcasm intended." Kendell says and the rest nod.
"It wasn't fair that he died before graduating, but he was still an important person in our lives." Avery explained, and Josh reached for her hand.
"So what happened? How did he really... die?" Ryder asks.
"Dylan died in a car crash when he swerved off the road into a tree, in order to not hit a little girl that was in the middle of the road. He died on the scene, apparently. His mom was like, proud in a way. He died saving someone else." Avery explains, and everyone stays quiet.
"Wait, we need more pictures!" Avery's mom exclaims.

I wish I could've joined them. Apologize for everything that had happened. But it was too late. I wasn't even alive anymore. I was just someone who watched over them. And had hope that everything was going to be okay.

~~~~~~ Dylan's POV Ends ~~~~~~

a. n / this story's finally coming to an end you guys! It's been 2 years, lord. Epilogue is soon to come, I promise. And then... THE SEQUEL!!! I'm so hype for it, now, a huge favor. If you've made a past cover for me, could you please dm me? Like, asap 😅 much love you guys ❤️

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