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  "Are you hungry?" Felicia asked peeking her head into Coy's room "Mhm" Coy mumbled, she didn't have an appetite but she didn't want to stress her mom out anymore.

It had been a month since the incident and Coy was a totally different person, she felt like she lost her mind. Outside gave her anxiety, men gave her anxiety, and everything was triggering for her. The only thing keeping her sane was the love she felt coming from everybody.

"I made you some waffles" Felicia smiled opening the door even more coming in with a tray filled with food.

"Thank you" Coy smiled "I'll bring it down when I'm finished" she added politely dismissing her mother.

Coy couldn't help but to think if she would've never been staying at Shayla's nobody would have even known she was missing. Felicia was always gone and really didn't give a fuck to keep up with her child's whereabouts. Sarai probably would've noticed but she be in her own little world.

Everything was fucking with her, being exploited and not being able to defend herself is really what was making her upset.

"And Jayson downstairs too I guess he waiting on you" Felicia added watching Coy play with her food.

"Okay tell him I'll be down in like thirty" Coy smiled before biting into her sausage. Jayson had been getting her out the house taking her with him to shoot moves and even got her signed up in a self defense class, next was her CPL. Although she could definitely hold her own she wasn't no match to a man and Jayson wanted her to divert all her aggression into something that was going to help heal her on the inside and out.

Knowing Jayson was only there to probably have her out running around she ate half of her plate before freshening up and slipping on some jogging pants and a oversized hoodie.

"Thanks ma' the food was good" Coy said opening the trash can to throw the paper plate away.

"I was starting to think you forgot about me" she mumbled eyeing Jayson who was still eating his food.

"My bad you kno' I would've came but I had some shit to handle. I sent CB he said yo ass wasn't budging" Jayson laughed looking over at Coy, he honestly felt so bad for her and it really made him put his big brother pants on. It could've been Brit or any women period and it just didn't resonate well with his spirit and that's why he was keeping a tighter look on the girls, he understood boundaries but he still kept a look out.

"I wasn't leaving out the house with him Jay is what you should've knew!" Coy mumbled getting defensive. Yeah she knew CB but she just wasn't that comfortable with anybody yet.

"I can dig it" he replied throwing his hands up "I'm here now we finna go" he added grabbing his keys.

Felicia watched Coy and it wasn't nothing she wanted more was for her daughter to get back to her normal self.

"I'll call you Jayson! Coy when you get back I'll probably be gone.. Sarai should be here around eleven" Felicia stated making Coy scrunch her face up. An attitude was ready to arise but she understood bills had to be paid.

"Alright" Jayson mumbled Felicia had just pissed him off prior to Coy coming downstairs. Jay was breaking Felicia off just so she wouldn't have to worry about leaving Coy and Sarai! So the reason for her leaving was just selfish to him but it wasn't his place to tell her what to do.

"Jay I gotta tell you something but you gotta promise not to go crazy or do anything stupid" Coy mumbled sliding her seatbelt across her body.

"Take it to the grave if you think ima do something stupid" Jayson uttered he had self control to a certain extent but he was like a ticking time bomb. He knew what happened to Coy had some deeper meaning behind it, she had been kidnapped but not sex trafficked which meant the situation was personal not for money. In all honesty the situation traumatized him and he wasn't tryna go back down memory lane.

"Okay if it ever come up I tried to tell you"

"If you don't tell nobody it shouldn't come up"

"You right" she laughed.

Knowing everything had happened because she was trying to make sure Ant didn't kill her and she still almost died was eating her up. It felt like karma had came full circle because she hadn't said anything and she had to realize her loyalty was with Brittany and Jayson not to Ant, which she been knew. The worst of the worst had already happened to her so she could careless what Anthony would do to her.


Hi guys! Sorry for the wait been stuck on this chapter for months now. Excuse the flaws, I pray all is well❤️

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