Chapter 2- More Introductions

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Since there is nothing left to buy and we are already out of money we decide to return to the eatery where the car is parked. But the two witches are no where to be seen until Anjola spots them inside the eatery with a woman I don't know. Deciding it best to leave them to their business Anjola and I wait for them beside the car and soon enough they come out with stepmother and the woman chatting animatedly between themselves. They get to the car and the woman notices my presence for the first time so I courteously greet her which she returns with a shriek and a tight hug. She releases me immediately though her hands are still on my shoulder as she examines me.

I thought the normal response to courteous greetings are 'yes how are you my dear' not shrieks.

"Wow you have grown ooo. The last time I saw you, you were so small".

Not sure what to make of it I simply smile,"you don't remember me, do you?", she asks.

OK so she is the straight to the point kind of person,"no ma", and on second thought I add, "sorry".

"No, no, it's nothing besides when we met it was under bad circumstances. I understand you were grieving", she offers me a sympathetic smile, "your father's death must have been so hard on you at that age", she sighs and pats my shoulder.

I already dislike this woman's straight to the point attitude.

"What about Tobi ma. You said he was coming", Amelia asks offering the woman a tentative smile.

"That's true ooo. Where is that boy sef", she looks around like said person would appear any minute,"and he was the one that wanted to eat here yet he is not even here yet. But Tobi aside how are you my dear.", she turns back to me, "how old are you sef".


"Ah!! You have grown ooo. What class are you?".

"I'm going to SS2 ma", what is with the interrogation sef. Shuffling my feet my eyes dart around uncomfortably.

"SS2, so you'll soon write WAEC and join all the big girl gang", she laughs at her own joke before turning to my stepmother, "why can't she move to Amelia's school. She should write her WAEC in the best school possible".

Here comes the well rehearsed excuse.

"I would if I could but she gets easily home sick and I just want to give her the best".

"Ok, OK no problem", she then turns to me, "but you should really think about it. Imagine the experience and you can learn how to be independent".

Tell that to the frowning witch behind you.

She turns to my stepmother and hugs her before hugging Amelia and I, "I already invited your mother so I hope you'll be able to come to my get together party. Let me go back to my shop since my son has refused to show up", she crosses over to the boutique opposite us. Shop my ass.

So in a few minutes I met an old acquaintance of my late father, got bamboozled with questions about my life, then got invited to a get together with my step mother and Amelia.....I wonder who I offended.

Regardless of the whirlwind encounter with Mrs i-didnt-get-her-name we all get into the car and drive home in silence.


So far life has gone back to normal after Saturday. Amelia has done nothing but grumble about how stupid it was that I got an invite to Mrs Adetoye's-i finally found out what her name was- party, then when that got old she started talking about how I could never get into her school because it apparently takes only the best.

Yes of course, and yet you attend the school.

Going to the school of course will be an amazing opportunity for anyone but me. I'm more comfortable where I am right now because at my present school I can be whoever I want without worrying about Amelia and her mother ruining it for me but If I went to Amelia school things will change and I'll be monitored and tormented both at home and at school, besides who wants to go to a school full of rich snobby kids?

At that moment Amelia walks by typing on her phone and I smile. The universe definitely has a funny way of answering rhetorical questions.

Walking to the kitchen after my meal, I wash my plate knowing what Anjola would do if I didn't and after I move to the living room to watch TV only to meet Amelia texting on one of the chairs so I take a seat and turn on the television and hear Amelia hiss loudly.

Don't worry the feeling is mutual.

She doesn't do more than that so I watch TV while Amelia texts in silence until stepmother comes back from work.

"Mummy welcome'.

"Welcome ma".

We both greet her at the same time and she mumbles a thank you in return before flopping down on the couch. She groans as she takes of her shoes.

"How was your day my dear", she asks Amelia.

"Uneventful, all I've done is watch pointless tv".

And text pointless texting but since it's none of my business....

"Hmm don't worry school will soon resume or I can find an activity for us to do together. Is that OK dear?".

Shrugging, she continues tapping on her phone,"it's ok".

Tuning out their voice I try to focus on the movie which is already coming to an end when.

"Miracle you'll be going to Mrs Adetoye's party with us this friday".

Yes, I know I was invited .

"And if she asks you if you still want to go to Amelia's school you say yes", she says it so casually I almost think it's a joke.


"Are you deaf?", she hisses, "look you better behave yourself when we get there or you'll get it from me. And don't forget to thank her for her generosity, the woman pulled a lot of strings to get you admitted into the school", she leaves and shortly after Amelia storms off after her.

Slowly my brain replays her words until it settles in. I am going to Jefferson elite secondary school......chineke!!!

I spend the rest of the day wondering if my mind had played tricks on me. I tune my stepmother out so much I won't be surprised if she had actually been hurling insults at me while my over worked brain painted a different picture.

The information still hasn't settled in by midnight even when Amelia barges into my room fuming.

"This is not fair. It's not fair at all!!!"

What's not fair is that God made the mistake of putting you on the earth and still let you live when he realised his mistake.

"If you think for a second that you are suddenly important then you are the biggest idiot on this earth", I stare at her for like a second before I blow up.

"Come, come what did I do now. Why will you just barge into my room and start insulting me".

"I only came here to set you straight. Mummy is only letting you go to my school...."

"Shey na you get school?", I interrupt, "'mummy is only letting you go to my school", I mimic her waving my hands around.

"What I'm trying to say is mummy is only letting you go to my school because Mrs Adetoye's husband is a huge partner in the company and she doesn't want to annoy them in any way".

But the company doesn't even belong to you or your leech of a mother, you and your mother are just feeding of where you did not sow. The words are on the tip of my tongue but instead I settle for.

"Are you done?"

She glares at me before storming out of my room. Soon I'll walk out of their lives and never look back.

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