Chapter 35- Scarred

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    Later that evening Mr. Iyare drops everyone of. He drops me last.

   “Take care and call me. We’ll see tomorrow,” Patricia says, worry etched on her face. She looks at the imposing house behind me and her frown deepens, “Tomorrow,” she whispers.

   I give her a small smile and after bidding Mr. Iyare goodbye, walk into the house. The first person I see when I walk in is Amelia, she is stretched out on the couch, pressing her phone.

   “Oh, you are back,” she gives me a wicked smile, “Mom told me to tell you to see her in her room immediately you arrive.”

   Right, let’s get this over with. I force my shaking legs to move, taking it one step at a time till I get to step mother’s room. It feels like the walls are pressing down on me.

   I knock on the door and wait till I hear a, “Come in,” before opening the door. Step mother is laying on her bed and lazily looks at me.

   “Welcome,” she says, slowly lifting herself off the bed. I quickly take a step back, my whole body visibly shaking. She smiles, “So you still fear me. Then where did your sudden rebellious spirit come from?” I don’t answer and she laughs, a slow heavy laugh, “Imagine my shock when Amelia told me all you’ve been up to. Your friends are amazing, aren’t they?”

   She suddenly grabs my arms, digging her nails into them, “You are nobody. Get that right, no matter the friends you make, or who you whore yourself out to you will never get anything good in life because that’s what you deserve,” she throws me at the door.

   “Your whore of a mother met an unfortunate end and so would you. You inherited her miserable life so you better stop aiming for things above you.”

   I slowly pick myself up, “I…I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

   “Look at me. Look at me!” I lift my head just as her hand comes in contact with my face. My head whips to the other side from the force and I feel a stinging pain. Slowly touching my cheek, I look at my hand and see blood.

  Step mother looks at her nails and grimaces, “Now you’ve ruined my nails. Pathetic,” she pushes me aside and opens the door, “I don’t need to tell you to break of ties with those friends of yours. And if anyone asks, you got into a fight with the house maid,” she looks at me and sneers in disgust, “Now you are going to have a mark on your face. This could have been avoided if you just did as you are told.”

  She leaves and I rush to my room. I bring out the first aid box in my wardrobe and painstakingly clean the wound, “It’s over, it’s over,” I keep telling myself even though my hands are still shaking. The tears come after, each drop chasing after each other without ceasing. You’ll be out of their clutches soon Miracle, run somewhere far where she can never find you. Just a year left to graduate, just a year.
   The minute I enter my dorm room all three girls zero in on my face, “What happened to your face?” Naomi asks.

   “I got into a fight,” I say with finality, not giving a chance for question. I look at Patricia and Emmanuella and see the worry in their eyes. I can’t face them right now so I lay on my bed, giving them my back. I stay in that position all day, not even getting up when it’s time for dinner. I can’t face anyone right now.

   Unfortunately, I have to get up the next day because I don’t think the house mistress would understand my need to just stay in bed till my wound heals. So I get ready like everyone else and head to the dining hall with Emmanuella and Patricia. We bump into the boys at the entrance and Tobi and I immediately lock eyes.

My Nigerian Fairytale (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz