Chapter 11- What Do You Want To Do

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Unfortunately I don't wait to see if my prayers are answered but rush to my room where I spend the rest of the day until dinner. Patricia and Emmanuella come in not long after and go on a barrage of how stupid boys are but I could have sworn I saw them crack a smile at each other. Traitors.

When the bell for dinner rings we all head down. On my way out I lock eyes with Amelia as she comes our of her room and she sends a deadly glare my way before flouncing of.

Feeling is still mutual dear.

We get to the dining hall and find our seat while Naomi goes of to sit with her friends. Fortunately the three seats opposite us are occupied by three girls and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I can enjoy my meal in peace.

A hand suddenly lands on one of the girls shoulder, "ladies sorry to disturb you but these seats are taken so if you would....", Richard gestures for them to get up. I spoke to soon.

I place my head on the table as the boys replace the girls.

"What's wrong with Miracle", I hear Tobi ask.

"I don't know", Patricia replies and proceeds to poke me in the arm.

"I don't think she wants to be around you guys after today. Especially Tobi", Emmanuella speaks up.

She was always the smart one.

"OK Tobi you should go", Emmanuel says.

"What did I do wrong? I was just joking are really angry because you were expecting me to ask you out".

I lift my head and stare at him, "you are a big joke".

"But I'm your joke", he retorts and we all stare at him, "it was a good line. Leave me alone".

"I'm really tired of your antics so if you......", I trail of when I see Amelia walking towards our table. She stops behind Tobi's chair and smiles at everyone.

"Miracle can I see you?"


Her smile slips, "it's important. I need to talk to you."

"Everyone to your seats", Miss Florence says as she walks in and signals to the cooks to start serving. Amelia walks back to her seat and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"What did she want?", Patricia asks and I lift my shoulder.

Whatever it is I'm sure it's not on my favour. All through the meal I keep guessing at what Amelia could possibly want and I keep coming up blank. But one thing I do know is that I'll like to postpone this 'talk' as much as possible.

But like I've come to know I was born unlucky. Amelia is waiting for me at the dining hall entrance and this time she is with her friends.

"Miracle", she calls me as I try to pass her by blending in with the crowd leaving the hall.

"Miracle!", she calls again when I don't stop.

There goes the hope of having more than one Miracle in this school.

Sighing I turn to her, "what is it?"

"I need to talk to you. Alone", she says glaring at Patricia and Emmanuella behind me.

"Whatever. Miracle we are going to our room", the two warring rivals eye each other before Patricia hisses and leaves with Emmanuella.

Amelia wastes no time dragging me away from the dining hall to a more secluded area. Then she and her friends surround me, leaving no room for escape.

"What do you want?", I ask trying to show how bored I am.

"What exactly are you planning on doing",


"Don't waste my time! What is the do that you want to do?"

I frown, confused, "I'm not following".

"Look miracle don't play with me. I know you plan on doing something with Tobi".

"We heard you today. You plan on doing the do".

Has Amelia finally lost it?

"Stay away from Tobi, far away from him or I'll report you mother and you should know what she can do", with that she walks with her friends.

"Do? What do I want to do that I'm not supposed to do?!", but I don't get a reply from the retreating figures. Shaking my head I walk back to the hostel.

"What did she want?", Patricia asks immediately I walk in.

"I don't know. She wasn't making any sense".

Enjoy the peace for now cuz things are about to scatter🤐

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