Chapter 39-Finally!

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Just like Emmanuel said Tobi is at the basketball court. He is sitting down and looking at his hands, a basketball beside his leg. Seeing him fuels my anger again and I charge at him, nostrils flared.

"You put Pelumi in the sick bay?" I almost yell. He looks up at me surprised then just goes back to looking at his hands, "Answer me. Explain to me why you thought it was okay to punch Pelumi or even do the other stupid things you did."

"I don't want to talk to you Miracle," he says still looking at his hand. Is there some kind of hidden treasure map on his hand?

"Tobi look at me."


Wha..what, "Suddenly you don't want to talk anymore. You were constantly following me around but now you acting like a child," I grit out. His attitude is infuriating.

He finally looks at me and calmly says, "I don't want to talk to you anymore so you don't have to bother about me following you around," he stands up to leave but I block him.

"But I want to talk to you. I want an explanation on why you thought it was okay to act like a body guard and scare boys away from me, or why you would start a rumour about Amelia. Why are you acting like some kind of protective boyfriend when we aren't even dating? I told you stay away from me," I know I'm ranting but I can't seem to stop. I feel the anger rolling of me as I talk to him.

"What do you think is the reason? Answer your own question," is his only reply and I suddenly have the urge to punch him square in the mouth.

"I'm asking you..."

"And you aren't going to get any answer from me," he snaps, "It's very obvious, you just don't want to see it."

His nonchalant attitude is grating on my skin. Here I am spitting mad and he is acting so calm, "Fine, act childish. I'm done with you."

He scoffs, "Of course you will run away. You did it the other night."

"What is your problem!" I turn back to him, "If you have something to say, say it!"

He looks me square in the eye, "Stop running, for once face your feelings head on. I did all that because I love you and it took me punching Pelumi in the face to realize that. And I know for a fact that you like me too you just don't want to accept it, you'd rather worry about what Amelia would do," he looks away, "So keep running," he walks away.

I quickly turn around and run after him, blocking him again, "You can't just say those things and walk away. Who do you think you are?" I hit his chest, pushing him back a step, "You can't just walk into my life and turn it upside down, disrupt my perfect planned quiet life."

"Is letting Amelia and her mother bully you your idea of a perfectly planned life? You are suffering Miracle! For god sakes fight back, do something for yourself!" he yells in my face and all I can do is stare at him as I fight to hold the tears at bay, "Miracle do you like Pelumi?"

I don't say anything because I know the minute I open my mouth the tears will pour out so I shake my head.

"Why did you kiss him?" he asks but I still keep my lips sealed, "Why did you kiss him?" he asks again, this time in a gentle tone.

"Be...because he wasn't you. With you there are all this confusing feelings and Amelia on my neck but with him I'm comfortable, I don't have to worry," the tears start pouring but so do my true feelings. I finally have my moment of clarity, this feelings that were hidden from me have finally surfaced and I feel a lot lighter.

Tobi pulls me in and wraps his arms around me, after a while I do the same. This moment is one I want to remember forever, I tighten my hold around him and rest my head on his chest and we just stand there wrapped in each other's comfort. I'm comfortable.

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