Chapter 4-Lets Go To School

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Two weeks. That was all the time I had to prepare myself for this life altering journey.

Anjola and I had gone back to the market armed with a list from stepmother to get all the things necessary for survival in a boarding school. Well we didn't buy all of it because in a petty attempt to belittle me stepmother gave me Amelia's travelling bags and got her new ones.

So that Sunday morning, packed and ready to go we start the long journey to Ogun state where the is located.

The long car ride is completely filled with songs playing from the radio and the occasional talk shows. Amelia is on her phone all through while I interchange between sleeping and playing games on my phone. Jefferson school is located in a remote area in Ogun state because for some reason high class private boarding schools are always located in bushy areas where you can never get good internet service.

After falling asleep again I wake up and notice that we have left the main road and are now driving on a bumpy road with all kinds of pot holes, we get to an intersection and stepmother turns right joining what seems to be a line of cars stretching all the way to a huge open gate with Jefferson Elite Secondary School painted on an arch over the gate. The gate is so huge that I can see it even from here. We slowly move forward on the line till we get to the huge gate and stepmother drives through but not before I glimpse big bold letters of SS written on the right half of the gate and I know if I had time to check the other half I'll definitely see the missing letters JE on it. But moving on, we drive on through a tarred road with flower hedges on our right and black and white blocks which split the road into two on our left, we continue to where the blocks end giving way to a huge sculpt of a graduation cap with a sculpted certificate perched on it and are both set on a round platform.

From there the demarcated roads converge into one main road with cars parked on both sides. There is also a roofed passage way on the right side of road where parents and students are milling around, some bidding their children goodbye while others are still unpacking.

Stepmother parks on the right side of the road beside the passage way and we all come down and move to the boot to get our luggage. Looking at all the other students walking around in their awful house wear I'm glad I'm yet to receive my house wear.

We had just finished unpacking our things into the passage way when I hear Mrs Adetoye greeting stepmother and I smile genuinely happy to see her. She has proved already that she is not a rich snob or anything like stepmother so I let myself accept her smothering love.

"Ahn ahn, ahn ahn, see this girls looking beautiful",she hugs me first before hugging Amelia.

"Miracle my dear welcome to your new school. Do you like it so far? "

"Yes ma", I reply truthfully. The parts of the school I've seen so far are impressive.

"Don't worry my dear by this term ending you'll love the school", she throws her arm around my shoulder before turning thereby causing me to turn with her, "let me introduce you to my son. Oluwatobi!!!!!"

Jesus this woman can scream!

I suddenly feel sorry for the poor chap as people look in our direction when she yells his name again.

You know it wouldn't hurt to just go get him where you left him.

I say to myself but even after her third scream the boy still doesn't show up and I notice Amelia turning this way and that trying to get a glimpse of this unknown persona.

Huffing Mrs Adetoye starts moving and since her arm is still on my shoulder I'm forced to move with her, "Stephanie I'm coming let me just get my son", she says over her shoulder and stepmother waves her on while Amelia follows us.

We pass car after car until we get to a black Honda jeep where a human leg is standing outside but the upper half is concealed inside the car with noreos biscuit wrappers littered on the floor and I can I hear laughter coming from the car.

"Oluwatobi!!! Are you already eating the biscuit I bought you?"

Mrs Adetoye yells and the boy on his part is startled as his legs slide backwards which if I'm right will cause his upper half to fall flat on the car seat or from the multiple groans coming from the car on somebody's lap.

"Will you come out now. I've been calling you since. Niboni o toju re eti", the boy slowly lifts himself up and turns around.

Holy mother of Jesus! My eyes bulge at the person standing before me and I'm thankful for the little dignity left in me because I would have exclaimed and swore at every single one of my ancestors.

It's the idiot from Lagos market standing in all his stupid glory. David my ass!!

I know it's short but I really wanted to write my first cliffhanger😆

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