Chapter 36- Rumour, Rumour, Dance

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   The rumours about Amelia lasts for a full week before it is replaced by the next hot topic- the upcoming senior party. It’s this event the school host every year to celebrate its anniversary and give the SS3 student one final excitement before they start their exams, like a send forth. On the day of the anniversary the students are giving a half day, and by evening the school throws a party for only SS3 and SS2 students. The student have turned that evening of excitement to a full out production of girls dressing up and matching with their boyfriends, guys and girls using the chance to ask their crush to accompany them. Like some kind of high school dance. Of course, everyone conveniently forgot it’s also the school’s anniversary.

   The weeks leading up to the day has the senior students buzzing with excitement. The air is constantly being punctuated with a shrill cry of excitement when a boy asks a girl to accompany him to the party. Girls are constantly talking about their dress, while the SS1 students look on with envy.

   Patricia just won’t shut up about her dress and how she had planned it long before the session started, even planning Emmanuel’s outfit to match hers. Naomi listens to her with rapt attention, but Emmanuella and I have gotten tired of feigning interest.

   With a day to go before the party Patricia has made it her mission to find Emmanuella and I a date, it was funny at first watching Patricia trying to convince some unsuspecting boy how great Emmanuella or I would be as dates but then it got annoying because she refuses to give up. Emmanuella actually got asked by a few boys but she turned them down. With her icy attitude and intimidating brother not many people had the guts to ask her. I on the other hand seem to have become a boy repellant overnight, not one guy has asked me, not one! And despite Patricia’s best efforts no one seems interested in me. It’s almost embarrassing.

   “I’m just looking out for the two of you. I would feel guilty all night if I’m the only one with a date tomorrow,” Patricia whines and Emmanuella and I give her unamused looks. We are in the library. Patricia had insisted we walk around after school ended in the hopes that we might bump into a potential date. No such luck.

   I see Pelumi pass by, his head stuck in a book, “Hey Pelumi,” I call. We are somewhat okay now, exchanging pleasantries once in a while.

   “Miracle, what’s up,” he walks to our table, “Patricia, Emmanuella,” he greets them before turning to me.

   “Still reading? It’s like every time I come to the library I meet you here. Do you sleep here?” I joke.

   He smiles, “I wish I could sleep here,” he raises the book in his hand, “Just making sure I’m fully prepared for WAEC. One can never be too sure.”

   “You should ease up a little. Are you going to the party tomorrow?” Patricia asks.

   “No, it’s not my thing. I will just spend the night in the library again. On that note I have to go back to my book. Later,” he walks off.

   The disappointment is clear on Patricia’s face, “Another potential date gone just like that.”

   “You just don’t listen. We won’t die if we go to the party without a date,” Emmanuella tells her.

   “You are one to talk. At least you’ve been asked but Miracle hasn’t been able to get one.” Please, go ahead and rub it in.

“Like Emmanuella said I won’t die. You better stop worrying about this or you won’t enjoy yourself tomorrow,” I tell her.

   She is about to say something when Richard plops into the seat at our table, smiling, “Ladies, how far,” Emmanuel also comes in, dragging a seat next to Patricia.

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