Chapter 7- Team Tobi Or Team Richard

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We've only just come out of the library two seconds ago when Patricia turns to me.

"Oya start explaining. I want to know everything".

"Ah......", how do I politely tell her to stay out of my business.

"If you ask me I'm team Tobi", Emmanuella says.

"True, true. I prefer Tobi to Richard. That one is bad news besides she and Tobi look cute together", Patricia replies, nodding her head.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Tobi and Richard are fighting over you so we are picking teams", Patricia explains, "but you still haven't told us how you met them".

"It's kind of funny", so I decide to tell them everything against my better judgement. I tell them the whole story on our way to the dining hall.

"You gave Richard your stepmother's number?", Patricia laughs as we take our seat, "brilliant!! Serves him right for being so corny".

"I think it serves them both right. Do they think every girl they flirt with will just fall for them?", Emmanuella says after the cooks serve our plates of spaghetti.

"Emmanuel is better off without their bad influence", Patricia says between a mouthful of spaghetti.

"As if he is not as bad as the both of them. You are only supporting him because you guys have settled your dispute".

"Why were you guys fighting in the first place", I ask from my position in the middle. It's only fair I join the conversation with these two talking on either side of me.

Emmanuella eyes our three sit mates opposite us who seem more interested in their food than our conversation. She leans towards me and whispers, "it's funny and when I tell you you'll think it's unnecessary".

Patricia leans in as well and whispers, "it's my story to tell, mind your business".

"He is my brother", Emmanuella whispers back.


"I'm still waiting for the story", I say when neither of them seem ready to give up their staring match.

"You have to tell her. She told us her story".

"Fine but not here", Patricia says going back to her food.

See as they are acting like what they have to say is top government secrets.

So we quickly finish our food and join the other students loitering around. Patricia takes us to her classroom and after making sure no one is around she tells me the story.

"It's not much of a story. He told me he loved me and I told him I wasn't ready so he flipped and just like that fight started".

"Patricia!", Emmanuella exclaims, "speak the truth and nothing but the truth".

"What? Isn't that how it happened".

Emmanuella quickly turns to me, "let me tell you the real story. You see my brother, my poor beloved brother, once mentioned that he loved Ariana Grande and our aunty here got angry because he has never said he loves her before so in an attempt to make things right my poor brother plans a surprise date and tells her in the most romantic way how much he loves her. Sweet right?"

"Yes, but I don't see the problem", I reply.

"I'm getting there. Our aunty here......"

"Stop calling me aunty it makes me feel old".

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