Chapter 17- Spa Day

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"What?!", I eye him suspiciously, "liar".

"It's the truth. Unfortunately", he sighs.


"Short story. We were both drunk and wanted to find out what kissing a guy felt like. It was traumatic", he shivers, "we weren't drunk enough to forget that incident and have both been scarred ever since".

"Oh", I place my hand over my mouth but it still didn't stop me from descending into hysterical laughter.

"Not a word of this to anyone", Tobi sternly warns me before cracking up as well. Suddenly we are both laughing on the sand.

"So was the kiss good?"

Tobi shivers, "I spent an hour brushing my teeth that day and we couldn't look at each other for over a week".

I crack up again, laughing at Tobi's mortified expression, "I'm sure you guys will make a really cute couple, in fact I think your deepest secret should be that you're secretly in love with Richard".

"Shut up", Tobi grumbles, "I've said too much".

"Oh no your secret is safe with me, in fact I could help you get together with Richard if you want".

Tobi groans, "drop it already".

"Okay, okay next question......"

"I haven't asked any questions yet".

"So? Now tell me your greatest fear".

"That one is easy. My greatest fear is that I might one day lose my charisma and not be able to get the ladies again", he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Goat", I say again.

"Now my turn", he strokes his chin, "let's start with something easy like your future ambition".

"Truthfully I'm not sure", I lift my shoulders, "with my kind of IQ I'd be lucky enough to get into a polytechnic".

"So you've never had anything you've always wanted to be?"

"Well......when I was a child I always wanted to be an architect. I used to dream of designing my own house".

"That sounds great. You should go for it".

Tapping a finger on my head I say, "IQ remember?"

"I'm pretty sure......."

"No! No motivational speech on hard work and all that crap. I don't want to hear it".

"Fine", he raises his hand in surrender, "though I think you'd look very sexy in a pant suit, ordering labourers around or bent over a blue print".

"You're an unrepentant flirt", I scowl at him.

"That's why the ladies love me!", he throws his hands up, "in fact I'm very sure I've given you a nice image of your future and you're considering it right now".

"Shut up".

"OK next question. When are you the most happy?"

"When you are not around".

His smile falls while mine rises,"not funny, answer the question seriously".

I shrug, "I like movies. Korean movies so I guess that makes me happy".

"So you are all those boys before flower kind of girls", he makes a face making me laugh.

"Lee min hoo is a glorious work of art!"

"He is stick thin and not even fine!"

"How dare you", I say horrified, "blasphemy! You should be hanged".

"And you should admit yourself into yabaleft. All those Koreans that look alike, you can never tell them apart".

"Jealousy", I say under my breath.

"Please I'm finer than all those pale faced koreans".

"If you dislike them so much then why watch their movies?"

"Because you can't flirt with a girl if you don't have at least one thing in common".

"Of course. Why am I not surprised".

"So what else makes you happy? Because I've vowed never to watch another Korean movie again".

"Do you want to know what will make me really happy right now?"


"If you drown yourself. Just walk into the sea and drown", I give him my brightest smile.

"I always question my safety around you", he makes a show of putting some distance between us.

"Aww thank you", I put my hand on my chest, smiling.

"You are weird", he says, "weirdly cute".

"I'm not sure if that I'd a compliment. But thank you".

"You are most welcome", he gives me a full smile which I return before hitting him on his shoulder.


You look beautiful today.

Did I ever tell you how wonderful and kissable your lips look.

Lifting my head up from my phone, I throw Tobi a go-to-hell glare. Ever since the beach, two days ago Tobi has been sending me all kinds of terrible lines and not once have I given him the benefit of a reply.

"Miracle aren't you hungry? You haven't touched your food", Mrs Adetoye draws my attention away from Tobi who is smiling like a loon.

I pick up my fork as Mrs Adetoye starts talking.

"So what are we doing today? I want us all to do something together".

"Spa", Amelia says immediately.

"Hmm possibly".

"I want to go the beach again", Tobi says throwing me a look. Idiot.

"No na let's do......", Richard starts saying until he sees Tobi's face, "I mean let's go to the beach. It sounds fun". Idiot number 2.

"Any other opinion?"

"Just let anyone do whatever they want to do", Mr Adetoye says when no one replies.

"But they've been doing that for the past two days. It's just this once", it almost sounds like she is whining.

Mr Adetoye sighs before shrugging and going back to his cup of coffee.

"So it's settled. We are going to the spa", Mrs Adetoye slams her hands together as a way of finalizing things.


"No buts. We are going to the spa and we are going to enjoy ourselves".

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