Chapter 8-Make Amends

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After they stormed out of the dining hall Patricia and Emmanuella tried to get me to see how what the boys did was a crime of the highest degree and I'm supposed to seek revenge. But in the end they respected my wish to let it go.

Truthfully it kinda hurt knowing I was just a bet. But I already knew that Tobi and Richard were nothing but trouble from the start. Besides I never had any intention of giving them a chance to woo me.

However, it's a new day and I would like to go the entire day without meeting Tobi or Richard.

I'm rushing to the dining hall before Miss Florence and Mr Banji gets there. I'd been delayed after the morning devotion because I'd been looking for my physics textbook and Patricia and Emmanuella left me to get a good seat.

I race towards the dining hall where I can still see students standing outside the hall which means Miss Florence and Mr Banji had not arrived yet.

I'm already at the doors when a hand grabs me by the arm. It's a familiar hand actually. It's Tobi aka David aka pain in my side. He offers me a small smile.

"Good morning".

I don't bother giving a reply instead I stare at his hand on my arm until he let's go.

"I just wanted to apologise for what I did. And Emmanuella was right you deserve an apology and this".

He hands me an envelope and quickly walks away before I have a chance to reply.

Perplexed I walk into the hall and spot Patricia and Emmanuella waving me over. I join them at their table and Emmanuella immediately spots the envelope.

"What's that?", she asks pointing at the envelope.

"Tobi gave it to me along with an apology".

"Really? Then open it let's see".

This girl's just love getting into other people's business, don't they?

I open the envelope and pull out three thousand Naira along with a small paper with 'I'm really sorry' written on it.

OK, so I had an idea what was in the envelope but I'm still surprised. You don't see this kind of thing everyday.

"You see, team Tobi all the way", Patricia pipes in.

"What? I thought........never mind", I put the money and paper back into the envelope and tuck it into my blazer pocket.

"I don't even want to talk about it".

"Three thousand. Hmmph,you are worth more than that", Emmanuella grumbles as they serve our breakfast and I decide to just pay attention to my food for now.

Emmanuella and Patricia were getting on my last nerve. All day they have done nothing but ask me about my reply to Tobi's apology and when I didn't give them an answer they felt it best to give their opinion on a perfect reply.

Patricia thinks I should hold it of for a day to make Tobi sweat before forgiving him the next day. Emmanuella on the other hand wants me to throw the money in his face and send him to his grave.

I just want to find a quiet corner and sleep.

With the school fully resuming today the teachers have bombarded us with notes most of them dictated and they keep giving references to old topics from SS1. Take the assignment our physics teacher- Mr Lawrence gave us. Topics from SS1 which he had set in their last exam. He says it's a way of refreshing our memory but I think it's his way of killing the few brain cells I have left after today.

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