Chapter 13- Disastrous News

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We walk towards the dormitory in silence. Tense silence. Sighing, I remember the load of work waiting for me. Assignments, after assignments, after assignments and the cherry on top- tons of physics notes to copy.

Mr Lawrence- the physics teacher- nearly had a fit when he called me to his office to demand why I had not submitted my note like the rest of the class and I told him it was because my note was incomplete.

In his words, "Miracle your midterm test is next week! How do you plan on reading for it?"

And I'd replied with a shrug which led to a lecture on my lackadaisical approach to school.

I'd endured it not wanting to tell him that I didn't know what 'lackadaisical' meant because I doubt he would take that well. So after his lecture he called in Emmanuella and put me under her 'tutelage'. Another word I didn't know.

Emmanuella had lent me her note and has been really pushy.....I mean helpful in teaching me.

She is a darling really.

Unlike the non darling behind me who has been glancing at me, expecting an apology.

Like I would apologize for stopping a possible fight and saving my skin.

"They should releases the mid term timetable by friday", Emmanuella says, probably trying to diffuse the quiet tension.

"It's Monday so you should be able to complete your notes before Saturday and we'll start study sessions this week".

"Whatever, as long as Mr Lawrence gets of my case", I say as we get to our room. Sitting on my bed, I scooch in and rest my back on my pillow with a sigh, "and as long as it takes me one step closer to graduating".

"What about uni?". Emmanuella asks and I reply with a shrug.

"We'll see as it goes".

"Do you know what you want to study?"

Another shrug, "we'll see as it goes".

"Don't you have a goal?", Patricia asks.

Look who wants to talk now.

"The goal is to graduate from secondary school and figure it out from there", I turn on my side so I'm backing them, "everyone is different. So just leave me and my goals alone".

I've had enough trash shoved down my throat to last me weeks and I really don't need their lecture right now. Closing my eyes I will myself to sleep and try to shut down my thoughts.


"Five more minutes!"

Hurriedly scribbling my answer, I jump up, run to the front of the class, and submit my answer booklet. Breathing a sigh of relief I walk out of the class.

"Na wa for that paper sef".

I narrow my eyes at Emmanuella as she casually strolls out of the class.

Na wa for wetin?

She had finished a long time ago and had just been waiting for me. Well I would have finished on time if she had just let me copy her answers but she was adamant on believing that I could remember everything she taught me. Which is completely stupid if you ask me but she is such a darling I just couldn't bear to disappoint her.

Cutting a long story short- Emanuella's tutoring paid of. I got 55% on the mid term test and finally learnt the meaning of 'tutelage' and 'lackadaisical'. But Mr Lawrence didn't seem to share the same feeling of elation because according to him 'an above average result is not good enough'.

So I was placed back under Emmanuella's 'tutelage' with a result expectancy of 80%!!

I already concluded that the man is secretly sniffing one drug or the other.

"Final paper! Thank God!", Patricia yells as she walks up to us, "I can't wait to go home to long hours of sleep, TV and enough food to fill your stomach".

Smiling I say, "it's like you are reading my mind. Sleep, blissful sleep", sighing I add, "nothing could possibly ruin this holiday for me!"


Scratch that step mother could and has ruined this holiday for me.

"Mrs Adetoye was nice enough to invite us so when we get there I expect you both to be on your best behaviour",stepmother says from the front seat.

"One week with Tobi! Yes!!", Amelia squeals beside her. While I sulk in the back seat.

Abi this one is high ni? How is one week with you, your devil of a mother and an intolerable flirt something to look forward to.

At that moment my phone vibrates and I pick it up to see a message from Patricia.

U there yet?

Frowning, I reply. No

Emmanuella and Patricia had laughed and made jokes at my expense when I told them about my current dilemma. Mrs Adetoye had invited us to spend the weekend at a friends new resort at Lekki. Sweet offer if you think about it from the perspective of an unaffected bystander or a love struck maloo like Amelia. But terrible offer if you consider it from my point of view.

I already had my holiday properly planned out- Lee min hoo, Lee min hoo and more Lee min hoo. This trip to a resort I didn't even know existed was not part of the plan!!!

We are currently on our way to the resort and I keep praying for something to happen, we could get held up in traffic or stepmother could suddenly have a life changing epiphany and decide to stop sucking up to the Adetoyes.

My buzzing phone distracts me from my sulking and I pick it up.

Y aren't u here yet? I miss ur cute face😋

I immediately know it's from Tobi. The guy just won't give up. He contacted me a day after stepmother broke the disastrous news of the resort. How he got my number I don't know but it's not hard to guess seeing as Emmanuella and Patricia are the only one who have it. Ever since then he keeps sending meessages which I ignore.

I have a gift for u. Can u guess what it is? It starts with a k and ends with an iss. Can't wait to see u.

For some reason Tobi thinks this trip is the perfect opportunity for us to fall in love and end up kissing on the beach during sunset.

The idiot obviously needs help.

Amelia's long hiss from the front seat draws my attention and I smile. She has been trying to contact Tobi all week but has been unsuccessful. How ironic.

"Are we there yet?", she asks her mother.

"Almost", she replies, "And I mean it. I want both of you on your best behaviour. Amelia I don't want you throwing yourself on the Adetoye's son and Miracle just don't draw any attention to yourself".

Not to worry. I'm Pretty sure Amelia will have everyone's attention the minute we get there.

It's been so long since I updated.......infact since I used wattpad. Anyways enjoys this chapter while I clean up all the cobwebs. Next update drops tonight.

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