Chapter 12-Anonymous Flirt

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"Senior! Senior!", a boy stop in front of me, startling me.

"Someone asked me to give this to you", he hands me a folded piece of paper.

"Who is it?", I ask taking it from him.

"I'm not supposed to tell", he says and walks away before I can ask any more questions.

It's not like the sender is really anonymous. I know it's Tobi. He has been sending me these notes for a while now because I threatened to report him to the principal for harassment if he didn't stop flirting with me so he decided instead to flirt with me through anonymous notes. I open the paper and read what he wrote.

Are you religious? Cuz you're the answer to my prayers.

Rolling my eyes, I crumple the paper and stuff it into my pocket. I can't confront him about the note because he'll just play dumb and act like he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

I continue on my journey to the library where Patricia and Emmanuella are. We've become somewhat close over the past few weeks, bonding over our mutual dislike of Tobi's persistent flirting and corny pick up lines.

"He sent another one", I tell them immediately after taking my seat. I show them the crumpled piece of paper.

"Are you religious? Cuz you're....... Tobi is insane! He can't even flirt properly", Patricia says and Emmanuella nods in agreement.

"If Emmanuel sent me this I'll dump him on the spot".

Emmanuella and I share a look before nodding in agreement. We both know that will never happen. Patricia is to attached to Emmanuel to leave him. They were even fighting now-something about him encouraging Tobis non stop flirting with me.

I see one of Amelia's friend walk in from my peripheral view. I finally found out her name- Faith. Faith and Mariam, those were the names of Amelia's friends, same girls who have been following me around for the past week just to ensure I obeyed Amelia's orders.

It was one of the reason I threatened to report Tobi to the principal if he didn't leave me alone, the other reason being that it was becoming really annoying.

"You noticed her too abi?", Patricia says as she catches me staring at Faith, "I know you want to leave her alone but just give the word and I'll shred the tiny self esteem she is filling herself with".

Patricia and Emmanuella suspect I'm holding back on what Amelia told me that night but luckily they aren't pushing me to tell them. Besides, what am I going to say- that I'm being mistreated by my stepmother and sister or that they have me under their thumb?

Too much explanations and drama.

And now that she has her friends watching me Amelia has invested most of her time in wooing Tobi. If you can call it that. She literally follows him everywhere even to the extent of feigning illness so she can see Tobi(who happens to be the health prefect). But somehow most of my classmates still have this misconception that I am and I quote 'Tobi's babe'.

Yesterday during lunch Tobi had walked by my table with Amelia glued to his side and few seconds after an SS3 student had walked up to me to offer her condolence saying, "my heart goes out to you dear. See as ur sista dey parole ur boo all over school. You have a really good heart", and then she went into a rant on what she would do to Amelia if she was in my position. I didn't feel like nor did I have the strength to correct her.

So not only my classmates but Tobi's classmates also can't tell the difference between a boo-bae relationship and a flirt-an uninterested victim relationship.

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