When you see him

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Your feet were pounding as the drops of rain rushed through your hair and poured onto your skin. The pain, the guilt, the agony. All of it. Coursing through your veins.

Every drop felt reminded you on how bad this day was gonna get. Everyone told you about him. Everyone tried to warn you. Everyone tried to save you. But you couldn't be saved. You were lost. So completely lost. And now, he was gonna get you. His final catch.

As you ended up in a dark alley, you tripped over a fallen trash can. You prayed to God that it wasn't gonna cause any noise. Unfortunately,your luck ran out on you as your attacker looked straight into your eyes. His cruel smiled rolled into his face as his evil sneer teased your distress. "Come back little kitten. Don't you wanna play?" He said as he held out your collar. The collar you whore every day and night because you were his lost kitten. The kitten he abused and played with. And now that kitten is broken. And he didn't care.

As he came closer to you, you backed away. "No...p-please. I'm sorry for running. I-I'll come back, I promise."

Sorry's not gonna cut it." He said as he took out his knife. That same knife he used to cut you open one time. "No p-please. I'll do anything. Please!" You yelled with all your might hoping for somebody, anybody to hear your cry for help. Just as faith was in your hands, a gunshot was fired at the man. He fell to the floor by your side. He was dead. Gone. You were free. Finally free.

You looked up towards your savior. He was in a red coat and he had a red staff in his left hand. His right hand had the gun. You went over to him, but when you got close, he walked away. "Wait!" You said as you tried to follow him. When you turned the corner, he was gone. "Who were you?" You asked to no one in particular. You will never forget this day.


Alastor's POV

I stepped out of the portal to the real world as Blitzo greeted me with a wide smirk. "So was your kill successful?" he asked as I nodded. "Yes, it was."

"Good, that'll be 40 bucks." he said as I handed him his payment.

Once we settled the money out, I left the I.M.P office. Now that girl will be safe. Free from that bastard man.

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