New Additions

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Now that they know the ages of the kids, Sirius takes a quick drive into town to get two extra car seats for toddlers. They've already have three beds they can shrink to size. They'll have to get everything else tomorrow when the kids arrive.
Sirius wakes up in the morning out of pure excitement. Remus is already up, contently watching Sirius sleep.

"What time is it love?" Sirius asks yawing.

"Almost 7," Remus answers before kissing his forehead.

Sirius smiles at him, "I should probably fix breakfast, Harry will wake up soon. How does bacon and hash browns sound?"

Remus' smile grows, "Sounds delicious love."
By the time they've finished breakfast they've still got 4 hours to wait until the kids arrive. They spend the rest of their morning playing with Harry and waiting. At noon the floor lights up and their caseworker steps out with three children.

Sirius bends downs towards Marcus and Cathleen. "Hello, I'm Sirius, what's your name?"

Cathleen looks down shyly, "Cathy."

"Nice to meet you, Cathy," Sirius turns to Marcus, "What about you young man?"

He smiles and exclaims, "I'm Marcus."

As Sirius is interacting with them, Mrs. Johnson hands Ariella to Remus.

"Here's a bag, they've each got a pair of pajamas and another outfit for tomorrow. Ariella has pull-ups because she's was in the process of potty training before everything. And that's all they've got."

Remus sits Ariella down to play with Harry. "That's alright, we're going to take them out shopping."

"Okay, well if you've got any problems you know how to get in touch with me. I'll see you all soon."

"Are we gonna live with you now?" Cathleen asks looking around.

"Yes, would you like to see your rooms?" Remus asks.
"Me and Ella can share?" Cathleen asks looking around at the room Sirius and Remus brought them to first.

Sirius laughs, "Yep, and we're going to go to the shopping centre, you can pick out clothes, toys, sheets, we'll get decorations, anything you want."

"Yay," Ariella shouts.

"What about me?" Marcus asks hands on his hips.

"Follow me," Remus says taking his hand and bringing him across the hall. "This is your room."

"Oh, I want spaceships, pleaseee." Marcus asks.

"I want a princess bedroom," Cathleen suggests quietly.

"Me too, me too" Ariella shouts.

"Well, who's ready to go then?" Sirius asks the the three little ones.

"Me," Ariella yells.

"Me too," Marcus shouts waving his hand.

"I'm ready," Cathy says.

Harry looks around, at them then at Sirius, "Me ready," he shouts.

Sirius smiles, "Of course you are love, let's go." He takes Harry from Remus and he inclines his head for the others to follow.

Ariella taps Remus' leg and holds up her arms. He laughs and picks her up.

"Careful down the stairs," he yells ahead at Marcus and Cathleen who are bounding down the stairs.

They put Harry, Ariella, and Marcus in their carseats in the middle then Remus looks at Cathy, "Feel like being a big girl and climbing in the very back?"

"I can do that," she says cheerfully. She climbs Ariella and Harry's carseats and lands sideways in the back.

"Let's get our seatbelt on now," he says as she sits upright.

"Okay," She says putting the seatbelt on and smiling.
"I'm hungry," Marcus says halfway through the drive.

"We're gonna stop to eat," Sirius replies.

"Eat," Harry yells happily.

Ariella's drifted off to sleep between them.

Cathleen asks, "What're we gonna eat?"

"How about McDonald's?"

"Yayy," Marcus says yawning.

"I've never had that," Cathy says.

"It's settled then, we have to stop there."

"You'll love it," Remus says.

"You will," Marcus nods along.

Sirius looks over at Remus briefly, "I'm so happy."

"Me too love," Remus says squeezing his hand.

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