The Proposal

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Remus turns around in awe as Sirius drops down on one knee.

"Sirius, what are-?"

"Shhh," Sirius commands softly. "Remus, when you first sat in that compartment with me and James, I never thought I would in up falling love with you. I never expected to be down on one knee asking you to be my husband

"In fact, the only thing 11 year old me did know about you, was that you were a mystery I wanted to solve, a puzzle I couldn't wait to put together. And now that I have, now that I know you better than I know myself, there would be no greater honor for me, than to become yours, will you marry me Moony?"

"Yes," Moony practically yelled, tears streaming down his face as he tackled Sirius in a hug that made them both fall to the snowy ground.

Sirius smirked up at Remus as the werewolf leaned down to kiss him.

Sirius pulled back a little, "mm Remus, your ring."

"Right," Remus says with a laugh, getting himself up and helping Sirius up as well. As they sit back down Remus holds out his hand.

"Its beautiful," Remus says still overwhelmed as Sirius slides the engagement ring onto his finger, above his promise ring.

"Its beautiful," Remus says still overwhelmed as Sirius slides the engagement ring onto his finger, above his promise ring

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So, the next chapter is going to be much longer and it will not be out right away. But I wanted to put this one out for you because I know I left you guys on the edge of your seats. I may start previewing the chapters, if you guys want. Hope you all enjoyed, see you next time.

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