He Said Yes

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Sirius was so happy as he knock at his older cousins door to pick up his godson, with his fiance by his side. Everything felt right in the world.

Ted opens the door, Dora peaking out from behind him. "Sirius, Remus, good to see you, how'd the date go?"

The two shared a smile before Sirius says, "I'll give you the juicy details once Andy gets down here."

He laughs, "Oh yeah, she went to go get Harry from upstairs he fell asleep earlier. Now," he raises his eyebrows, "how juicy are we talking?"

All three burst out laughing, til they hear Andromeda coming down with Harry, who's half awake, half asleep in Andromeda's arms.

"Sirius he's so adorable, and he's so well behaved, we have to keep him more often," She gushed.

"Oh I know, come here baby," he cooes as Harry sees Sirius and starts reaching his arms out for him.

They all laugh a little before Andy goes, "Wait what happened today? I need details!"

Sirius uses his free arm to grab Remus' hand and wave it in the air, "HE SAID YES!"

"Oh, I'm so happy for you guys!" She says throwing her arms around the two, well three, including Harry.

She pulls back and starts ranting, "Oh, I can help you guys plan everything! If you want of course, it'd be so fun!"

"We would love that Andy, but right now I'm tired and I'm sure Remus and Harry are just as ready to get home."

Remus yawns, nodding his head and says, "I second that."

She sighs, "I know you're right. Go home, rest up, but I'll be awaiting an owl by tomorrow."

They laugh before saying their goodbyes, Ted and Andromeda both congratulating them, before they apparated home.

Ik its more of a filler but I'm gonna be updating more regualrly now, every other Monday. So, I hope you guys enjoyed the update.

Wolfstar Raises Harry AU Where stories live. Discover now