Out For Ice Cream

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Sirius and Remus had a lovely honeymoon. They spent their first night in an expensive suite at a Paris hotel, they ordered room service the next day and spent most the day in bed. That evening though they visit the Eiffel Tower and eat at a fancy restaurant before they visit the catacombs.

After that they get their things from the hotel and they go to a beautiful Caribbean Island. They sleep in this cute little beach hut. They spend the morning sunbathing and swimming. There might be some skinny dipping. Then they go scuba diving. Then they have a cute little picnic on the beach.

But alas it was time to get home. They needed to get home, they missed their basic domestic life and their kids. Also it was Dora's birthday and they absolutely had something planned.
First they apparate to the Weasleys to get Ariella and Cathleen. Then they floo over to the Tonks' to get Harry, Marcus and Tonks.

They have a sweet little family reunion moment as they wait for Dora to come down the stairs.

"Happy birthday Dora," Sirius says hugging his little cousin when she comes running down the stairs, her hair in a purple pixie cut today.

When they get into the van Sirius had left parked at Andromeda's, Remus asks the kids what they did the past few days and they explode into conversation.

"We had so much fun daddy, Aunt Molly played dress up with us and did our hair and read us stories."
"We played on our brooms, we watched a movie-"
"I got to show them all the funny faces I could make, Harry thought it was really funny."

Sirius and Remus laughed as they continued on. "That sounds fun," Sirius comments.

Eventually they reach a nearby city with an ice cream parlor. Sirius takes the kids to the booth while Remus goes to order.

The cashier greets him with a smile, "How may I help you?"

"Yes can I have two chocolate ice cream cones, one waffle and one regular, two hot fudge sundaes, one regular strawberry ice cream cone, one cup of cookies and cream ice, and one cup of chocolate ice cream." Remus says making sure to give the cashier enough time to get it all down.

"Alright I think I got that, two chocolate ice cones, one strawberry, two sundaes, one cup of chocolate ice cream, one of cookies and cream?"

Remus nods and the cashier answers, "Your total is £5.26."

Remus pays the employee and they go sit down. There are a few other families in the shop but the service is fairly quick and soon they're all munching down on their ice cream. It's an overall successful day.
The twins birthday arrives soon too, a few days before their caseworker is supposed to come back to their house. Sirius is busy working but they do buy the twins toy brooms which Remus makes sure to send over for them.

Next chapter is the last, hoping I can finish it tonight and reach my goal. Hope you guys enjoy!

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