New Years

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"Sirius get down here." Remus yells from downstairs.

"Remus I'm working on the reno-"

"Harry's talking!" Remus screams cutting him off.

And Sirius is running down the stairs in a matter of mins.

"Did I miss it?" Sirius questions out of breath.

Remus answers, "No, but look babe, he's trying."

"P-p-p" harry stutters.

"Come on Harry, you can do it, Padfoot." Sirius says hopefully.

"You got it," Remus joins in encouraging him.


"He said it remi, he said my name." Sirius jumps for joy, tearing up, he wraps his godson in a warm hug.

"I know love, its the first thing he's said since-"

"I know remi, oh this is so exciting!"


Sirius and Remus set off some early fireworks for Harry at around 9, but it had been a long day and they new, none of them would make it to midnight without passing out.

So Remus put Harry to bed at around 9:30, while Sirius took a quick shower.

"The renovations look amazing so far my love." Remus compliments crawling into bed with Sirius after reading Harry a bedtime story.

"Really?" Sirius asks, turning around to snuggle up to the taller man.

"Of course." Remus whispers in his ear before they fall asleep in sync.

{A few days later...}

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Sirius whispers shaking Remus. "Happy new year Remi"

"Ugnhgh" Remus groans.

"I know love, I made you breakfast in bed though."

Remus rubs his eyes, "ugh, whats the occasion?"

Sirius smirks, "its our anniversary."

"What?!" Remus yells falling out of bed.

Sirius laughs, as Remus looks up at him glaring.

Remus' tired mind finally catches up with him, "our anniversary is in October."

"I know," Sirius responds simply.

Remus throws a pillow at him.

"I'm sorry love, on the bright side I made you breakfast in bed, also I have a suprise once you wake up all the way and come downstairs. "

"Whats the-?"

"There's no occasion, you'll see." Sirius saying sitting down Remus' tray and walking away.

"Hmph." Remus groans crawling into bed, still a little mad, but the chocolate chip pancakes were making it very hard to be mad at his prankster of a boyfriend.

I'll make a post later today on my account explaining why I haven't had time to update and when I'll be updating.

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