The Wedding

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Sirius had settled back into work really well over the past three weeks. He had really earned the respect of his team and being team leader gave him an equal amount of adventure and safety. And while a few of the cases had came to dead ends, such as the Nott and Kenmare Krestles cases, most of them were getting somewhere.

Although today, he didn't have to worry about any of them, it was time for the team accessment. And Sirius had a feeling this was going to be a favorite workday of his.

He spent a few hours dueling his team members to see how advanced they were, how quickly they thought of counterattacks, their skills defensive and offensive magic, etc.

Then he added his observations to the accessments that were almost fully completed and he got to make it home in time to have lunch with his family before they have to pack up and go their separate ways for the night.
It was lunchtime at the Black-Lupin household and it was time the two men had a conversation with their kids. The conversation in question was one they had already had, but it never hurt to be sure.

"You girls are sure you want to stay with the the Weasleys?" Sirius asks.

Cathleen nods, "I like it there, Aunt Molly's cooking is almost as good as yours Papa."

Sirius' heart flutters at the use of the word. It wasn't the first time she'd called him that. In fact she was the one who asked after the party if they were to call Remus daddy what would they be calling Sirius.

Sirius had responded in turn with, "If you want to, you can call me Papa, but you don't have to love. I know you had a mummy and daddy before you came to live with Remus and me. So if you don't feel comfortable with it, you could still call us our names."

She'd shaken her head and declared, "No, I like papa." So you see, it wasn't the first time but Sirius' heart still fluttered everytime one of the kids said it. It made him feel important, like he had made a difference for them.

Ariella nods in agreement with her sister and her words break Sirius' thoughts, "Me too. Aunt Molly is nice and there's lots of kids to play with."

Sirius laughs before moving on, "And Marcus you're okay with staying at Aunt Andy's for a few days?"

He smiles excitedly, "Yes sir, it's super fun there."

Sirius and Remus both laugh at that and Remus looks at him as if to say I told you so.

Sirius smiles and looks away from him to Harry. "What about you Harry, any objections?"

Remus barks out a laugh, "Sirius stop it, the kids will be fine, we'll only be gone a couple days."

Sirius pouts, "Oh I know that."
Soon lunch is finished and they go to get packed for the night and for the honeymoon of course. So Sirius packs some of his regular pajamas, his sexiest lingerie, and dress clothes for when they go out to eat. Remus follows his lead. Picking out some some sexy outfits, dress clothes and something to wear for the night. Then they go to the bathroom where Remus gets their toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. And Sirius gets all his hair product.

Once their packing is done they go to help the kids. Sirius goes into the girls room and helps them to pack a few outfis, toys, and stuff for the Weasleys. He makes sure to grab the girls dresses for tommorow as well. Remus helps Marcus do the same gathering clothes, toys and his suit. Then he goes into Harry's nursery to get his things together and they're ready to leave.

Remus and Sirius go to there room to say goodbye to each other for the night. "I can't wait for tomorrow," Remus says smiling at his soon to be husband.

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