Wedding Planning (Gone Badly)

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"Moony, wake up," Sirius whispers lightly trying to wake his fiance, who continues to snore.

"Come on Moony, wake up," he says a little louder, reaching over to shake Remus. This gets a pillow thrown at him.

"How rude!" Sirius exclaims dramatically.

"It's rude of you to wake me so early, how are you even up after last night?" He asks still buried under blankets and pillows.

"Oh please, you know I can't sleep when I'm this excited. We're gonna get married. We have so much to plan."

Remus crawls out from under the covers, "Fair enough, I'll forgive you if you made breakfast."

Sirius laughs, "Of course I did love, bagels." Remus looks up at him smiling. "Yes with cream cheese and blueberries."

"Oh yay, " Remus exclaims, hopping out of bed and past Sirius to follow the smell of fresh breakfast. Sirius shakes his head fondly.

He runs to check on a sleeping Harry before following his fiance to the dinning room to eat.


Remus is sitting on the couch waiting for Sirius to come down with Harry, who just woke up and a list he'd made for their wedding planning.

It doesn't take Sirius long to change Harry and get him some berries from earlier to snack on before he's sitting down beside Remus as they watch Harry eat and play.

"So how about you read me this infamous list," Remus says amused at his fiance's excitement.

Sirius begins,"Okay so first thing venue, where we have the wedding and reception is very important, so what do you think?"

"That's honestly something to think about, because I have no idea. I know there are some churches in small Wizarding Communities but I really don't want something that traditional. We should do it outdoors where ever we do it," Remus replies.

"I was thinking the same thing," Sirius said with a smile before moving on, "So what are we wearing, dress robes?"

Remus laughed, "I mean I assumed so, God I'd love to see you in a tuxedo though."

Sirius falls out laugh, "Oh and just imagine my mother if she found that out. You know, maybe I should do that."

They're both laughing so hard until Sirius abruptly stops.

"What's wrong Pads?" Remus asks concerned as Sirius stares down at the list.

Silently Sirius hands it over to him and Remus realizes what had upset him.

The next thing on the list was, "Wedding Party."

"Oh Sirius," Remus sighs wrapping his arms around his fiance. "I'm so sorry," he whispers.

Sirius begins to cry, "Remus he's gone, they're gone. James and I we used to joke about who'd get married first, I'd laugh and tell it'd be me because he'd never get Evans. And he'd laugh and say, 'as if any broad will be able to tie you down.' But he's gone Remus."

Remus just holds him tightly as he lets it out, "When we got together he told me that even if we couldn't get married until we were 80 that he'd still be willing to walk me down the aisle," Sirius sniffles.

"Moony everyone's gone. Everyone in our year is either dead, on the run, in Azkaban, or in Saint Mungo's for Christ sake. Moony who's gonna be in our wedding, nobody can replace him. Moony I miss them."

Remus continues to hold on to him and whisper reassuring words in his ear. "It'll be alright love, I know, we'll figure everything out darling"

That's when Remus feels a small arm on his. Harry had came over and wrapped his tiny arms around them.

"No cry Padfoot, no cry," Harry says comforting him.

Sirius looks up teary eyed as Remus frees an arm to pick Harry up.

"Come on Harry, Padfoots sad, lets give him lots of hugs, they're magic, they'll help him feel better."

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