Back to Work

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The day is finally here for Sirius to go back to work. He wakes up at around 7 and he sneaks down to the kitchen. He makes Remus some french toast and bacon for breakfast in bed. Then he throws together some ham and cheese sliders for the kids to eat later.

He goes to give them all a kiss on the forehead and then he brings Remus his breakfast. "Love wake up, breakfast." Remus rolls over and his eyes flutter open.

"You made me breakfast in bed?" Remus asks pouting.

Sirius bends down and kisses his forehead, then his cheeks, then his lips before answering, "Of course sweetheart, I've got to get ready for work now but I wanted to do something special for you before I left."

Remus blushes and looks up fondly, "I love you so much."

Sirius smiles back and tells Remus he loves him too, then he walks towards the bathroom to get ready.

He gets dressed quickly in his nice jeans and button up shirt. Of course he does his eyeliner and takes almost 20 minutes on his hair, which is honestly good compared to the 40 minutes he used to take.

He waves good-bye to Remus, who's digging into his breakfast, and then he goes through the floo network, cutting it really close to 8:30 when he finally makes it to his office.

Kingsley is there to great him when he makes it in, "Hello Sirius welcome back."

Sirius nods at him, "Thanks, it's good to be back." He catches eye of all the paperwork on his desk, "You gonna explain what everything here is?"

Kingsley laughs, "Right, well here you've got your team list, which includes all your team's members. Then of course the monthly accessment papers. You have a pile of weekly cases. Blue stickers means they're singular auror cases, you assign one auror to them. Green, means you assign two people to be partners on the case. Red means the team leader, you, must head up the case. And black level, means an extremely dangerous case where an advanced auror will be assigned to help on the case.

"You as the team leader have the power to downgrade or upgrade case levels, except the black level cases. We haven't had many black level cases lately though. This job is mostly paperwork, but you knew that. You have to sign off on any arrest made by your team. And your team has to report any case developments in your morning meetings. That's pretty much it, if you have any questions, my office is right next door and your team should be here soon"

Sirius looks down at the list of names thankful for his good memory.

George Alton
Lelia Bellchant
Caleb Buchanan
Adam Cram
Sarah Creswell
Timothy Dowson
Grace Fieldwake
Ciaran Hobday
Tyler Limus
June Montgomery

All of the sudden his door opens and his team members walk into the room in a very orderly fashion and then stand in front of his desk in a line.

Sirius clears his throat, "Right, before assigning cases I'd like to know your strengths and weaknesses, both magically and not, so we're all gonna introduce ourselves and then give one strength and weaknesses both magically and characteristically. I'll even go first. I'm Sirius Black, I excell in offensive spells and hexes, magical theory, not so much. I'm very understanding and self aware but I can have a bit of an ego. Alton, your go."

Everyone in line awkwardly stares for a minute before a blonde guy at the front of the line steps out.

"I'm George Alton, I've always been good at Charms and pants at Transfiguration. I'm at fast learner but I can be impatient."

The rest of his team members go around introducing themselves as he'd instructed.

"I'm Sarah Creswell. I'm excellent at defensive spells and most other spellwork but I will say, I'm pants on on a broom. I'm quite honest but a bit indecisive in decision making."
"I'm Ciaran Hobday. I'm good with magical theory but I've always fell short with wandless magic. And I'd say I'm brave but can often jump into things too fast"

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