Lunchtime Visits

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Sirius is in the kitchen cooking when there's a knock on the door. Remus goes to answer it, knowing it's Andromeda because she's the only one they have on their apparation wards.

Marcus and Ariella continue playing but Cathleen follows him shyly.

She's obviously not well hidden though as Andromeda kneels down to talk to her.

"Hello, what's your name love?" Andromeda asks softly.

Cathleen peeks her head around Remus' leg before answering, "I'm Cathleen."

Andromeda smiles, "Well Cathleen, I'm your Aunt Andromeda and this is your Uncle Ted and your cousin Nymphadora."

Tonks rolls her eyes, "You can call me Dora though, everyone else does."

Cathleen nods and asks politely, "Do you want to go play?"

Tonks smiles and her hair turns from dark purple to bubblegum pink making Cathleen gasp, "How'd you do that?"

Tonks laughs, "I'm a metamorphous."

Remus can hear Cathleen asking what that is but the two kids are already walking off towards the living room.

Remus leads the kids to the kitchen where Sirius is stirring the meatballs absentmindedly and waiting for the Lasagna to finish cooking.

He stops to briefly hug Andromeda and Ted but seems mostly focused on the food. It had took him days to help Molly construct a menu for the wedding. It's really no surprise to anyone that he likes the kitchen.

When the lasagna finishes the adults halt their conversation and call the kids in there to eat.

Marcus comes running in their first, immediately headed for his seat and then introducing himself.

Then Ariella comes in with a big smile going over to Andromeda to introduce herself and tell her new aunt she was very pretty, which made Andromeda giggle and tell her that she was very pretty as well.

Then Dora comes in, her hair a bright yellow. She goes to sit next to her parents.

Cathleen trails behind her holding Harry's hand as he walks in case he stumbles.

Sirius puts Harry into his high chair and then he starts fixing plates. Once everything else is content he fixes his own and sits across from his beloved.

"This is delicious," Andromeda says the first to speak up.

Everyone nods, Remus speaking up next, "Yeah, babe you've outdone yourself here."

Sirius blushes, "Oh it's nothing special."

Remus laughs and brushes his foot across Sirius' under the table.

"I love it," Dora pipes up, face covered in sauce almost as bad as Harry, worse than Ariella and Marcus, unsurprisingly Cathleen was the cleanest of them all.

"Thank you," Sirius says genuinely smiling.

They truly have the perfect family, unique as it may be. These moments will be forever cherished.

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