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Sirius Black was a sight for sore eyes. After only a week in Azkaban his long hair had grew mattered, he was deathly pale, he looked as if he hasn't eaten in days. The only think that hadn't much changed were his eyes. His eyes held the same light they always had.

Remus Lupin was also a sight for sore eyes. He was a nervous reck as he paced back and forth outside the courtroom, amongst several reporters. His face was red from the amount of crying he had done and he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. Not to mention the full moon was a mere two days ago. He was driving himself crazy wondering what was happening inside.

"What is your name?" Crouch asks gruffly.

"Sirius Black."

"Are you aware of why you got arrested?"


"Were you aware of what you were doing?"



"Are you implying you were under the imperius curse?" Interrupted a member of the Wizengamot.

"No of course not."

"What are you implying then?" Dumbledore asks.

"I didn't know Pettigrew was the rat. I thought we could trust him," Sirius replies frustratedly.

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore asks loudly.

"They were going to make me the secret keeper, we agreed that it was too obvious though. I suggested Peter. We knew there was a rat but nobody suspected him. Everyone thought it was either Remus or me, it tore our relationship apart, but it wasn't Remus. And if I had never suggested Pettigrew, James and Lily would still be alive."

The whole courtroom was shocked speechless until another member spoke up. "But Pettigrew, he's dead and those muggles you killed!"

"But I didn't, admittedly though I wish I had. Poor wormtail, we all underestimated him. I went to confront him, to kill him, but he was quicker. He blew up the street and killed those muggles. Then he cut off his finger and turned into a rat."

"Are you implying Peter Pettigrew is an unregistered animagus and that he's out there somewhere alive?" Crouch asks shocked.

"I'm not implying anything, I'm telling you."

Crouch scowls, "anything you'd like to add before we vote?"

Sirius shakes his head.

"All in favor of sending the accused back to Azkaban?"

Only a few hands go up.

"All in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?"

It was almost unanimous.


When Sirius walked out of that courtroom the first person he saw was Remus. And then it was like everyone else just disappeared.

"Remus," he gasped wrapping wrapping his arms around the werewolf.

"Remus I'm so sorry. I should never have thought you were the rat. I should have trusted you, I should have known-."

"Don't Sirius, you have nothing to apologise for, I thought it was you too." Remus says before breaking into tears.

And they stand there both crying, just holding each other.

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