It's Official!

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It was the 3rd of April and it was finally the day they'd be able to adopt the kids. They'd gotten everyone up around 10:30 to eat brunch and then moved to the living room to wait for Rayna and the other ministry official.

Rayna steps out of the floo first greeting them all with a smile. A slightly shorter woman with curly blonde hair follows. She stumbles a little with a laugh, "Hah, never did like using the floo, sorry. I'm Vivian Brown."

"Nice to meet you, Vivian," Sirius says holding out his hand. She smiles, shakes his hand and then offers her hand to Remus who smiles back and shakes her hand.

Then she looks down at the kids, "Hello, I'm Vivian, do you kids want to have a chat with me while Remus and Sirius go into the other room?"

They all collectively turn to Remus and Sirius who nod encouragingly. Then they get up and join Rayna in the kitchen.

Rayna sits across from them at the dinning room table with a smile, "So, how has it been, having three more kids in the mix?"

They laugh and Sirius answers, "I think it's been nice, granted I work a lot, but we really love the kids, they're a part of our family now."

Remus nods, "Yeah, they get along with all our family and friends, and they're just great kids, it feels like things have finally came together."

Meanwhile in the living room, "How do you guys like living here?"

Ariella is first to jump the gun, "We love it," she answers matter-of-factly.

Cathleen nods and Marcus adds, "It's awesome."

She smiles, "So Remus and Sirius are nice to you?"

Marcus narrows his eyes, "They're the nicesest people in the world."

She laughs, "Really?"

Cathleen smiles, "They are, Papa cooks the best food and Daddy reads to us and plays games with us all the time."

"What kind of food does your Papa cook?" She asks them.

Ariella's eyes widen, "He can cook anything, he makes pancakes and eggs and cookies and spaghetti. He's the bestest cook."

"And what kind of games does your daddy play with you?"

Cathleen smiles, "He plays princess with us and tag and barbies and stuff."

Marcus nods, "We play hide and seek inside and he lets us play in the backyard on our brooms. It's super fun."

She smiles, "That's really sweet, thank you guys for chatting with me do you want to show me your rooms?"

They all nod and she goes to let Remus, Sirius, and Rayna know that they're through. So the group heads upstairs where Marcus insists they see his room first. "It's the best room, come see."

Then they show her the girls' room and Harry's nursery before they head back downstairs.

They let the kids go back to playing in the living room and they go to the dining room. Vivian pulls out a stack of papers from her leather case. "Everything seemed in order to me, the rooms looked great, everything was up to code, so I've got the papers right here to make it official."

Sirius and Remus are both absolutely giddy as they thank her.

"Question, do you want to too change their last names?"

"Not completely," Sirius answers, "We want to hyphenate all four with their surnames and Lupin. So Dearborn-Lupin, Fenwick-Lupin, and Potter-Lupin. We don't want them to forget where they came from and when they get older they'll be able to chose if they want to keep their name or not."

She nods, using a quick-quill to jot down their names on the papers. Then she shows them where to sign on all three pamphlets, or four in Remus' case since he was officially becoming Harry's other guardian.

"Congratulations," Rayna says when they finish signing the papers, "it's official!"

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