The Reception

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Their reception was a sweet ordeal. Everyone moved to the other tent to eat some of Molly's delicious catering. Once Remus and Sirius finished eating they moved to center of the gathering where space had been made for a dancefloor.

They had their first dance to a slow song. "You look amazing," Remus had whispered as they looked into each other's eyes, tuning out the world.

Sirius had blushed and said, "You look pretty charming too." And Remus smiled in a way that made Sirius' knees go weak. He was lucky to have Remus' arms supporting him.

When they'd finished their dance the bad began to play more upbeat music. Ariella ran to join them on the dance floor but Remus excused himself with a laugh. Sirius had shrugged and held out his hand for Ariella.

Marcus had run off to play with Fred and George. Cathleen and Percy were sitting together in deep conversation.

Tonks, Charlie, and Bill were also off somewhere playing, Andromeda was outside watching over them.

Molly was holding Ginny while she conversed with Augusta Longbottom. Ron, Harry, and Neville were playing in the baby pin they'd set up. Remus goes to talk to them for a while, before he begins to make his way around talking to everyone else.

He sees Minerva, who he was surprised to find had made it. She'd shrugged when he brought up Hogwarts and said, "I simply couldn't miss your wedding, what kind of professor would I be?"

Sirius stays on the dancefloor with Ariella for a while but eventually she gets tired so he picks her up and they join Remus.

They talk with Kingsley, Amelia Bones, and a few other people they'd invited who they knew from Hogwarts. There was also all the remaining members of the order, apart from Dumbledore.

Eventually though people start to leave and say goodbye and soon it's just the Weasleys, the Tonks' and them.

Sirius and Remus go lay Ariella down inside and they say good-bye to the sleepy girl as she doses off. Remus gives her a kiss on the forehead and they walk outside.

"Are leaving now?" Cathleen asks coming up to them.

"Yeah, but we won't be gone for long," Sirius says kneeling down to hug her.

"I'll miss you Papa, I'll miss you daddy." Marcus yells running to hug Remus then Sirius.

"We'll miss you too bud, be good for Aunt Andy," Remus says ruffling his hair.

He smiles at them, "I will." Then he and Cathleen go off again to play with their friends.

Lastly they say goodbye to Harry. "We'll be to get you soon," Remus says taking Harry into his arms and giving him a little hug.

Sirius smiles at them. Then he holds his arms for Harry. "I love you Harry, be good." He kisses his forehead before handing Harry back to Andromeda. "I be good," Harry answers laughing.

Sirius and Remus smile and then grab their things to leave for their honeymoon.

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