Shopping Part 1

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Sirius awoke to sound of crying baby, surprised he had managed to sleep peacefully through the night.

Sirius groans sitting up quickly and looking around to find an absent Remus and a crying Harry.

"Awh shh," he murmurs picking up Harry, "Everything's alright."

He grabs his wand off the nightstand and headed downstairs to find Remus.

As he gets closer to the kitchen he realizes what happening. He runs in there mellowdramatically.

"Remus what are you doing? Why are you cooking breakfast? This is absurd."

Remus rolls his eyes, "Pads just because I can't cook as well as you does not mean I cannot whip up a decent breakfast."

Sirius narrows his eyes playfully, "I'll be the judge of that."

"Oh come on, I made your favorite, french toast."

"Ooh, yummy," Sirius responds going to his seat and bouncing a now fully awake Harry on his knee.

Remus sits two plates down in front of them, "french toast for you my love, and scrambled eggs for the hungry baby."

And then Remus sits down at the other chair with his own plate of French toast.

They eat in a comfortable silence, making a little conversation every once in a while. Sirius gets up to fix some orange juice for them.

After they've all finished up, Remus takes Harry from Sirius and Sirius goes up to take a shower.

Remus changes Harry and decided to shrink up one his outfits sense they really can't put him in one of Sirius' old t-shirts while they are out in public, not just for social reasons but it's mid November in the UK and very cold.

"You're looking very handsome," Sirius says walking into the living room and hugging Remus from behind.

Remus turns around in his arms before giving Sirius a light peck on the lips and saying, "you look very charming as well."

Sirius looks down at the baby between them and holds his arms out for Harry. Once the baby is in his arms he tickles a giggling Harry and saying, "your looking very cute Harry, where have I seen that sweater before."

Harry giggles in response before pointing at Remus.

"Aha I knew I had seen it before."

"So how are we going to get wherever we're going first."

"Oh yes, I knew I was forgetting something. We need to call Hagrid and get him to bring my motorcycle. I'll get right on that and then we'll talk about a plan."

Remus takes Harry back from Sirius as he heads towards the fireplace to floo call Hagrid.

Not long after you can hear the growl of the motorcycle as it gets closer. They walk outside when they hear it shut off.

"'Ello," Hagrid says approaching them.

"Hello Hagrid," they greet in return.

"I jus' wan' y'all to know, if I woulda known how they woulda treated him, I'd not have brought him to them, I'd outta refused. And ya know how much I respect Dumbledore."

"I know Hagrid," Sirius said sympathetically. "Thanks for bringing the bike."

"It's no problem, I'm happy to help," Hagrid answers back. "Anyways I'll take my leave now, I have to visit someone nearby."

"So where to first?" Remus asks hoping into the side of the bike with Harry.

"Well first to Gringotts to withdraw some money and exchange some for muggle currency. Then we'll go toy shopping for Harry and go to the robe shop and book store and whatever else in Diagon Alley. Then we can go to a muggle restaurant for lunch. After we'll go to a baby store where we can get everything we'll need for Harry. And if we have time maybe stop by the shopping center to get ourselves some things,"

"You're brilliant you are," Remus smiles flirtatiously at him. "Oh," Remus adds as an afterthought, "don't forget we need to find sometime to go to the ministry and grocery shopping."

When the land not to far from the Leaky Cauldron. They got weird looks from several muggles, Sirius refused to let go of Remus' hand though. And it seemed nobody would approach them in broad daylight.

They got less weird looks once they got inside the pub. A few waves came their way in fact.

The walk to Gringotts wasn't as bad as they had both anticipated. A few people had stopped and talked to them even.

People told them that they never thought Sirius could have been guilty and everyone of course wanted to see Harry.

They withdrew and exchanged their money rather quickly and were soon on their way.

"So we get Harry some toys first?" Remus asks.

Sirius smiles, "oh yes, I will definitely be spoiling him too."

They walk into the toy shop and the first thing Sirius notices is a toy broom similar to the one he had gotten Harry and a thought strikes him.

"Hey Remus, while we're out do you think we could go Christmas shopping?"

Remus practically lights up at the idea, "That's a great idea love."

"What'd do you think we should get first?" Sirius asks.

"Well first why don't you go grab that broom you've been eyeing. And then we can get him some toys for the nursery and some toys and such for Christmas."

Sirius practically skips over to the broom. After that he skips over to the stuffed animals. First he a giant giraffe and a really soft Teddy bear. Then he gets a stag, wolf, dog, and ginger cat.

Meanwhile Remus has taken Harry over to the books. Getting a few classic stories, including The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

That's when Sirius spotted it, a complete baby Quidditch set. A small quaffle, snitch, two small beater bats, and two bludgers that we're made of plastic. He had to get it for Harry.

Remus also grabs a toy wand that sends out harmless little sparks.

Remus finds Sirius at the counter with all his stuff preparing for checkout. "Hello darling," Sirius says stealing Harry from Remus' arms so Remus can put his things on the counter.

They pay for their things and Remus shrinks it all down before they head back onto the busy street.

"Where to next?" Remus asks.

"How about you go get fitted for some new robes and such while me and Harry get you a present. There will be more once we go muggle shopping though. And then we can meet up again at the robe shop and switch, I'll get some new robes while you and Harry find me a small present."

Remus smiles and nods, they steal a kiss, and then they're off in separate directions.

"So Harry, I know a few books I want to get him. Do you think you can help me pick two or three? You're not the only one I plan to spoil."

Harry laughs and claps.

"I'll take that as a yes," Sirius says leaning down to kiss Harry's cheek.

Remus hasn't had a fitting since he left school and honestly he had forgotten how long they take and how boring it was. He picked out a few he liked and put down his address and payment so they could mail him the robes. And then he went to wait in the front of the store for Sirius.

Sirius and Harry did not take long at all in the bookstore. Sirius will attest to the fact that Harry was a great help. In the end he had only gotten one book as he figured he would look for some more books later.

And so they met up at the shop and switched. Sirius pampered them both with kisses as they left to get him a gift.

Remus goes to the broom shop to get Sirius an actual broom. It's an older model because he can't exactly afford the newest one. He knows Sirius will appreciate the thought though.

Part 2 coming tomorrow

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