Getting Harry

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Remus and Sirius aparrated directly from Hogsmeade to an abandoned area not far from #4 Privet Drive.

In fact when they got there Remus had to stop Sirius from practically blowing off the door. Petunia answered the door with answered the door with an ugly look on her face. "More of you people, what is it you want now?"

"My godson!" Sirius says abruptly.

Remus takes hold of his hand hoping to calm Sirius and himself down before he interjects, "we're here to take Harry off your hands."

"Oh thank goodness, you're here to collect that nuisance of a child. Here, do come in, people gossip, the dreadful thing is the cupboard."

"THE CUPBOARD?!" Remus yells when he realizes that faint whimpering he hears is actually Harry and worst where the noise is coming from.

"What is all the bellering about?" Vernon asks loudly coming down the stairs.

Remus draws his wand as Sirius, who has gone practically speechless rushes to the cupboard to get his godson.

Sirius can hardly bear the sight of Harry. Who's way smaller than he should be, even though he's been here less than 2 weeks. He looks as if he's barely been cleaned since and the smell is horrible, they probably haven't even changed him today.

He wanted to turn around and murder the Durselys right now, but right now he had to worry about Harry.

He reaches in and picks up the crying baby and tries to soothe him, "Shh it's alright Harry, I've got you. You'll never be treated this badly ever again."

"C'mon Remus, let's hurry home, we've got to get Harry fed, cleaned up, and settled in."

It took a lot of effort for Remus to turn away from those horrible people who he wanted to kill but Sirius' voice brought him back down to reality. Yes, they needed to worry about Harry right now.

Wolfstar Raises Harry AU Where stories live. Discover now